Hello!!! You have your fave places on the web, and so do we!!! Why don't you check ours out!
"Venturing Crew 560" "They are great people and we have a lot of fun. It seems like I've know some of them forever but really have just met, excepted for Jacob who I have know for almost forever."-T in her own words! Ok T it's except not excepted, when are you going to learn?
On a more educated note The crew is great and we have a lot of fun doing stuff, so if you live in Arlington, Texas, and are between the ages of 14 and 20 go check out this site, it's a great experience!
"Os 2ndG" The Homepage of The Osmond 2nd Genaration a great singing group.
"Os Offical Page" The Offical page on all the Osmonds.
"OCH" The Osmond Clan Headquarters. Has great pixs and other info on the Osmond 2ndG.
"Os Fam Page" A friends page on the whole Osmond Family.
"Jinafer's page" My friend Jinafer's page on the Os 2ndG. Has some great pixs.
"Den Friends" A page that has great pixs of all the Osmonds.
"Malissa" This one has a great pix of the Osmond boys.
- Angelus' Buffy the Vampire Slayer Homepage This page is so cool it talks has lots of fan-fics and if you want to know more go there!
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer This page is cool and you will love it! It has lots of pics and a whole bunch of other things! Check this site out!!!
- Young Country
This site is also cool! You can join chat rooms and find your fave songs even if they aren't country!!!!
- More to come!!!
CyberCheese Jokes This is where you find your jokes!!!
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