My Home Page:

Douglas Reeves

Hello fellow Internet surfer and welcome to my home page. I'm very glad that you made it this far . . and I hope that you'll stick around long enough to get to know just a little bit more about me and my life.

My Background

I was born in Sydney Austalia, and have lived in a suburb called West Ryde most of my life, I am a Printer by trade and am employed by a company called Norcross located at Chester Hill a suburb in the inner Western suburbs of Sydney. I am 8hrs behind other people as I work Afternoon shift.

My partner is a beautiful person named Helen, I call her "My Hungarian Princess." we have two dog children a 14 year old Kelpie cattledog cross called Bobbie or "Bat Dog" she is the dog daughter, Bobbie left us on October the 7th 1999, We have created a page in homage of her The Noble Bat Dog. The dog son is a 9year old English Springer Spaniel called Beau or "Big Ears" his proper name is "Stepdie Solar System" but he won't answer to that, he will however answer to Stupid Arse.

A New dog child has come into our lives he is a Boxer dog and we have called him Clive or The Snuffler, he's about 14 months old and Helen found him in the driveway talking to Bobbie and Beau he delights in destroying things but hes slowly getting better (and Bigger!).

My Interests

What do I do?

Well some times it seems all I ever do is go to work and sleep
but occasionaly I have a few spare moments. So here goes . . .

Competive rifle marksmanship, My Rifle Club.
I like the movies - mostly the old ones-. My favorites?
I'm an avid reader. Favorite books?

History, I had a great uncle who was killed in the Great War 1914-1919

L/Cpl Cuthbert William Debenham Wheeldon. No 2256 "D" Coy 45th Battalion AIF

My Personal Records

This is a photographic retrospective of my life to date - from 1965 to 1999, when of course I can get round to it!

Links to My Favorite Sites

My Service Provider

18 Battalion Memorial Rifle Club Inc

World War1-Trenches on the web

More Links

e-mail to: Douglas Reeves.

Please check back from time to time as these pages are constantly under construction!


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This page last updated on December 31st1999.
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