Kingdomality - What your profession would have been back in Medieval times. Fun!

Seven Wonders - For the history buff, read up on the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.

Places to Stay - Hotel Listing

Bed & Breakfast - Locate a Bed & Breakfast place.

ESPN Sportszone - For the Sports Fan.

Create-a-Story - This site is from Sears Portrait. You can pick from many stories and personalize it to include your child's name, age, etc. Then print out and you have an instant personalized story that's free. If you have a color printer, the result is very nice! Buy some of the plastic page protectors to put the story in and put in a 3-ring binder and start collecting stories for your child/children.

Virtual Museum - Tour the World's Greatest Museum from the comfort of your desktop.

Internet Coupons - I use the car wash and dry cleaning ones all the time!

International Lyrics Server - Track down the lyrics to your favorite song.

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