I am glad you have stopped here. Please sign out book.

12/07/00 03:01:25
Name: Brian Benner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: male
Age?: 13 State: Wyoming

Great site!

10/13/00 19:33:27
Name: Shanna My URL: Visit Me
male/female?: Female Age?: 12
State: AZ

I love monkeys! If you have ANY more adorable pictures of buddy, please post them!

09/14/00 17:21:54
Name: Brett Sawyer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: male Age?: 21 State: pa
Organizations you support?: none,just like monkeies

how could i get one, and how much did she cost,where can i get one like her... love your monkey

07/02/00 03:43:05
Name: michelle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: female
Age?: 18 State: tx

I love your site. i am waiting to get a money but i am not sure how to go about getting one. i have been around them and love them. me and my Boyfriend i live with him soon to be married want to get one. we dont have any children but we would like to add monkey as a member of our family.

06/26/00 00:50:36
Name: Veronica My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age?: 17
State: Colorado Organizations you support?: AAZK

I love your website. Teddy, Buddy and Shorty are Adorable! Keep up the good work

06/16/00 04:12:05
Name: Cheryl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: female
Age?: 19 State: New Jersey

I really enjoyed your site and I think that is totally awesome that you take care of the cutest, most adorable monkeys. I have always loved monkeys and always will. I just wish I can have one for a pet one day. Once again, I enjoyed your pics of the mo keys.

04/06/00 18:46:51
Name: Kali Hedrick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: Female Age?: 12 State: Mo
Organizations you support?: 4-H, Student Council

Great, helped my out on my science report. I really like it. Buddy is so cute.

03/13/00 00:48:19
My URL: Visit Me


03/04/00 10:21:15
Name: Justin Whisenand My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: male
Age?: 22 State: ca/mo

I'm interested in adding a new family member (monkey) to my family. I don't know where to start though.

02/14/00 18:59:25
Name: Andrea Doering My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: Female Age?: 18 State: IL
Organizations you support?: None- I LOVE MONKIES!

Do you know of any places where I can find a catalog or a great place with monkey merchandise...the internet has nothing...if you can find something, let me know...soon. I really love monkies and collect Curious George.

01/12/00 03:10:29
Name: Brandon Price My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: male
State: N.C.

I was doing a story about Tamarin monkeys & I found your Website & really enjoyed it!!

01/04/00 00:28:20
Name: Tiffany My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: female
Age?: 19 State: college

I would really love to one day have a pet monkey of my own. Right now I'm just tring to fgure out which kind would be the best to care for. I think you monkeys are the cutest pets and i just can't wait to have one of my own.

01/02/00 22:01:15
Name: Nirva Brooks My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: female
Age?: 13 State: MO

I love Monkeys. I want to have a monkey some day.

11/12/99 21:22:16
Name: Q Madp My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: Male Age?: 38 State: OR
Organizations you support?: WWF, Smithsonian

Cool Website!!! Check out some of my home pages http://www.0707.com sometime, or http://www.cokelover.com , http://www.qpolice.com Hope you'll like them.

09/25/99 08:59:20
Name: christa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age?: 40
State: oh


09/09/99 06:11:06
Name: Kelli My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: Female Age?: 30 State: AZ
Organizations you support?: Tiger Haven, HSUS, HUA, Defenders of Wildlife, WWF, Greenpeace, Tobacco Free Kids, ACLU, United Way..

Hi Linda! Great site! I'm glad you're working hard to keep more monkies from being hurt. Humans can be so selfish.. By the way, welcome to the All Creatures Great and Small Webring/Family! We're a great bunch of people who are passionate about protect ng and respecting animals! Glad you've joined us! Best Wishes to you!

08/12/99 23:50:08
Name: jennifer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: female
Age?: 20 State: arizona

i love monkeys!! i have been collecting stuphed ones and figurines of them for years! i love to hear when someone is doing good things for them! i really enjoyed checking this sight out!

07/16/99 21:44:55
Name: MATT My Email: Email Me
male/female?: male Age?: 23
State: NY Organizations you support?: wwf, most other animals organizations, I help run the local chapter of Target Earthsavers

pretty good website if you want more monkey websites go to www.webcrawler.com

07/16/99 21:38:04
Name: ma My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: m&f Age?: 9-99 that is all the info your gonna get State: 1 in the U.S
Organizations you support?: myself

you need monkeys XXXXing each other and XXXX

07/16/99 21:37:42
Name: ma My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: m&f Age?: 9-99 that is all the info your gonna get State: 1 in the U.S
Organizations you support?: myself

you need monkeys XXXXing each other and XXXX

06/09/99 18:21:24
Name: Staici(Dr. Dolittle)
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi Linda, I was just checking on the ring sites and making sure everything is working ok and thought I would drop in and say HI. I have somemore exploring around your site to do so I can't stay here long. Also wanted to let you know that I am having trouble with our email address. i have tried to send stuff to you and it keeps coming back as "undeliverable". Thought you might like to knbow that. Well I am off to finish looking around. Later. Hugs & Purrs Staici

05/21/99 04:26:07
Name: jerry My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: male Age?: 42 State: sc
Organizations you support?: animal rights

thank you

05/12/99 22:38:46
Name: Dalova My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: Female Age?: 29+ State: IL
Organizations you support?: Defenders of Wilderness, WWF, Wilderness Society

Wanted to say welcome to All Creatures Great & Small. You have a wonderful site & it is very informative. I enjoyed my visit very much.

05/12/99 16:26:04
Name: Jesica My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me male/female?: Female
State: Idaho, USA


Jesica's Walk On The Wild Side

Hi and welcome to All Creatures Great and Small!
You've done an excellent job on your site. Keep up the
great work. I enjoyed all the information you provided.
Warm Smiles, Jesica

05/10/99 02:58:43
Name: Staici (Dr. Dolittle) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: female Age?: 36 State: GA
Organizations you support?: Most animal related

What wonderful babies you have here!!! I have been trying to get my hubby to let me have a monkey for many years now. I will bring him to your site and show him just how cute and fun they are. Welcome to the All Creatures Great And Small Webring/Family We are very glad to have you as a part of our family. Hugs & Purrs Staici Ring Manager

05/03/99 06:56:17
Name: Angelcats My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
male/female?: female Age?: 37 State: California
Organizations you support?: Peta,Humane Society,Recovery Homes,Any humane charity

I enjoyed meeting your monkeys. Buddy is so very cute. I don't know much about monkeys as pets, but I'm learning. I like the Monkey Plea. That is so true and upsetting. I'm glad your part of our All Creatures Great and Small webring. I hope you will come and visit my girls! God Bless, Angelcats

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