rockymtnsexcursiontitle.jpg (21732 bytes)

Brian and Holly left Brent with his grandparents in North Carolina for a week in 1998 while they flew out to Denver for The National Youth Workers Convention.  They took two days during the trip to explore the Rocky Mountains National Park.  Their pictures are below.

brianatbeaverpond.jpg (40639 bytes) topofworldbrianholly.jpg (34294 bytes) hollyatbeaverpond.jpg (28079 bytes)

elk.jpg (24568 bytes)

topofworldbrian.jpg (18787 bytes) landscape2.jpg (22079 bytes) landscape5.jpg (16942 bytes)
alluvialfan.jpg (34040 bytes) hollyonfalls.jpg (27021 bytes) alluviallake.jpg (27659 bytes)
landscape11.jpg (19162 bytes) landscape12.jpg (23618 bytes) landscape13.jpg (26866 bytes)
landscape3.jpg (37963 bytes) landscape6.jpg (25053 bytes)

landscape4.jpg (23214 bytes)


landscape8.jpg (19153 bytes)

landscape1.jpg (16876 bytes) continentaldivide.jpg (32591 bytes) mountainlake.jpg (27790 bytes)

mountainsunset.jpg (11890 bytes)
