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Who Am I?


My name is Munawwar Ali Khan but everyone affectionately call me by my nick name "MANNU" . I belong to a beautifull city of " Uttar Pradesh"(INDIA) province known as Saharanpur. This city is famous for Mango orchards,Paper industries,Wooden works and other so many things. My academic Qualifications: I received my Bachelor degree in Chemistry from "AMU, Aligarh" , "U.P" , "India" in 1994 and Master,s in Biotechnology from the same University in 1996. Having had the limited opportunity to conduct research there I moved to "Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),Bangkok" in 1997 to pursue again Masters Degree in "Bioprocess Technology Program" under the "School of Environment,Resources and Development".I completed my Master,s at AIT in August,1998.My thesis topic at AIT was "Enhanced functionality of chitin by chemical modification". My research advisor at AIT was "Prof.Willem.F.Stevens"
I completed my Doctorate degree in Environmental Biotechnology area in Sept, 2001 at "Department of Urban & Environmental engineering "
of "The University of Tokyo"

.My Doctoral Thesis advisors were "Dr. Hiroyasu SATOH" & "Prof. Takashi MINO". Just after completion of my Ph.D. degree I worked as a post-doctoral researcher for one year (Oct,2001-Sept,2002) at the Institute of Environmental Studies, The University of Tokyo, Japan. Since October, 2002 I,m working as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Water Research , Department of Civil Engineering ,National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore . My research is related to the use of molecular techniques in characterization of microbial communities (bacteria & bacteriophages) in water & wastewater environment.

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