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Oreo lives with her humans Denise & Bill in Pennsylvania.
Favorite Toy: little "nerf" balls-they fit right in my mouth
Favorite Treat: Pounce's tartar control treats
Favorite Activities: Chewing Denise's shoes and taking Bill's socks from the bedroom into the hallway when they are at work! I also LOVE chocolate ( a big no-no for us cats!) 6/3/98

Polly lives with her human Stuart in Lincoln, NE. You can visit her at Polly's Palace.
Favorite Toy: anything I can climb
Favorite Treat: Nature's Recipe: Lamb canned food
Favorite Activities: Climbing furniture and my human, sitting in windows--watching birds.

Pumpkin is one of Rascal's littermates. She lives in Ashland, WI with a big human family. There are lots of kids, cats and d*gs around. Pumpkin can be found on her mommy's page at Jean & Beau's Crew.
Favorite Treat: Watered down milk.
Favorite Activities: Talking to her meowmie, Jeanne. 5/1/98

Rascal's daddy's name is Mike. They live in Circle Pines, MN. He is about 8 months old.
Favorite Treat: Pounce
Favorite Activities: Terrorizing Mike's hamster and visiting cousins Sarah and Tubby. 5/1/98
Reeses' humans are Jill and Tony and they live in Washington. Reeses has his own web page called Reeses' Scratchin' Post.
Favorite Toy: straws & Q-tips
Favorite Treat: Whisker Lickens (all kinds!)
Favorite Activities:"Sleeping in the sink, playing hide and seek with Mommy, playing tag with Daddy, and watching people floss their teeth." 5/7/98
Sage Lucinda BugBug Milliken

Sage Lucinda BugBug Milliken lives with her human C. Nathalie Ellen Milliken in Fillmore, California.
Favorite Toy: Mewmie's Hand, I like to bite it.
Favorite Treat: Whatever Mewmie is eating, ice cream
Favorite Activities:Chasing my sisfur Daenida, chasing bugs, playing in the garden, pawing at the goldfish. 5/19/98
It's my playgroup so of course I'm a member! My mommy and daddy's names are Mary and Doug. I am 1 1/2 years old. We live in Minnesota.
Favorite Toy: Fishing pole that has a string on it. My mommy throws it around and I chase it.
Favorite Treat: Anything edible. I like to eat people food but mostly I only get to eat cat food.
Favorite Activities: Sleeping and playing with my brother Tubby. 5/1/98
Sasha's human is Teresa and they live in Idaho. You can read more about her and see a picture at her home page. Just like me, Sasha has a big brother that likes to beat her up!
Favorite Toy: "The rolly ones with the bells in it. I love those!"
Favorite Treat: Chicken.
Favorite Activities:"Laying across my mommy's shoulder and face and nuzzling and purring. And most of the time I hide from my brother. But sometimes I play too." 5/4/98

Shadow lives in Ohio with his human, Kellie. You can read his story at Shadow's Nook.
Favorite Toy: "my daddy's lip balm (seriously!) I smack it around and watch it roll!"
Favorite Treat: Cat-Nippers
Favorite Activities:"I like to climb on the window sill and look out of the blinds to see what's going on outside! I'm an inside kitty but I like to look outside to see if I can spot any of my kitty friends (I was a stray, you know, and I know my little friends are still out there :o( I also like to play with my human sisters and jump on daddy's head while he's sleeping!" 5/6/98

Shadow lives with his human April in Hesston, PA and along with his brothers has a great site called Cat Lovers' Page.
Favorite Toy: my brofurs
Favorite Treat: turkey lunch meat
Favorite Activities:I like to meow and sleep. I also like to destroy Meowmie's plants. 5/27/98

Siam lives with his human Lyn in Indiana and they have a really great site called Meow City.
Favorite Toy: My Mistress
Favorite Treat: Her ankles
Favorite Activities:I love looking out windows, playing with the computer and sitting anywhere my Mistress is working! I love to help her read everthing! If she doesn't pay enough attention to me I nibble on her ankles! Well..okay, I bite her. 5/20/98
Sigge, Sonja & Bubba

Sigge, Sonja & Bubba live with their human Wiveca in Skåne, Sweden. Their web site is: Wivecas HomePage & CatPage.
Favorite Toy: everything that moves!!
Favorite Treat: Mjau (canfood)
Favorite Activities: We like to EAT, SLEEP & hunt for birds. 6/11/98
Simon Langston

Simon lives with his human Jennifer in North Carolina.
Favorite Toy: I HAVE TO MANY!
Favorite Treat: Cat Nip and Milk if I could have it but I am allergic to Milk.
Favorite Activities: Beating up the d*g Freddy. Slapping the rabbit Mr. Bun on the head and waking up his Humans at 6:00am to be fed the beloved can cat food. 6/29/98
Snoopy is 11 and from Oregon. You can read more about him at LuvvCats.
Favorite Toy: Anything with strings.
Favorite Treat: Shrimp flavored Pounce.
Favorite Activities:"Eating, sleeping, and getting in between Meowmie & the compurrtor." 5/5/98
Strawberry Tat, Cocoa Puff Tat, Six Pack Tat, and Caramel Tat

Strawberry Tat, Cocoa Puff Tat, Six Pack Tat, and Caramel Tat live with their Jessica in Canada.
Favorite Toy: catnip mouse, yarn,
Favorite Treat: catnip, yum yums
Favorite Activities: We are only kittens, so we haven't formed any habits just yet! 6/9/98

Tabakitty lives with her human G.G. by the beautiful shores of Lake Erie,Ohio. She has her own web page called Tabakitty Homepage.
Favorite Toy: The hand that is petting me at the time!!
Favorite Treat: I love butter and bacon juice
Favorite Activities: I just love to lay, belly up in the sun as it comes through the window. I roll over when I am told to do so.I come to my Mommy and Daddy when I am called.I am a good girl!! 6/8/98
Tasselhoff's human is Teresa and they live in Idaho. You can read more about him and see a picture at his home page. There's a really funny story there about him taking everything out of the drawers and cupboards. I'll have to try that sometime! (Just kidding mommy!)
Favorite Toy: Toy mice. Although, used to be catnip.
Favorite Treat: Split pea soup. Although, used to be catnip.
Favorite Activities:"Waking my mom up bright and early so she can FEED ME! Beating up Sasha (my sister)." 5/4/98

Tassie lives with her human Andrea in Austrailia. They have a web site called Much Ado About Cats.
Favorite Toy: Q-tips
Favorite Treat: Catnip!
Favorite Activities: Eating, sleeping under blankets, hiding in paper bags, being Queen of the house!6/28/98

Tubby is Sarah's brother. His mommy and daddy are also Mary and Doug. He is four years old and lives in Minnesota.
Favorite Treat: Canned cat food (much better than the dry stuff!)
Favorite Activities: He likes to fight with his sister (she usually wins). His most favorite activity is sleeping. 5/1/98

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