You made it! : ) I was so blessed to be able to serve the people of Portugal. They are so very humble. I definitely learned a great deal about faith, love ,and humility while I was here. I'm not much for hot weather..so, I found it a bit on the hummid side there. In the winter it was rainy off and on, but in the summer it was hot and sticky. ICK! The sites were beautiful, the people were amazingly nice, and my testimony soared to new heights as I was able to see new members grow in the Gospel. It makes me thankful that Heavely Father sent someone here to find me and teach me so that I can help to bring my brothers and sisters home to Him. Here you will find some pictures taken while I was in the Portugal-Lisboa-Norte Mission. Click on the text below to see the enlarged pictures.

Pictures of the Terciera Zone...

My companion and me on Christmas

Can you guess which banana is real?

A view of Angra's colorful homes

A beautiful view of Angra

A taste of old Portuguese culture

The night before transfer day

Angra's harbor

My 2nd area of Arroja...a town outside of Lisboa

The sweetest dona around

Beautiful Sacavem...my 3rd area

The scented river of Sacavem ; )

Proud of my homemade pancakes

Making do without an umbrella

Lots of hugs and kisses from the local children

A girl needs her beauty rest, or...

Or...you'll look like this

Pictures of the different areas in the mission

A view of Lisbon

A beautiful example of Portugal

My favorite drink...joi

Yeah! I got a package! My parents love me!

President Martins and his wife

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