©By Russ

<bgsound src="http://geocities.datacellar.net/Paris/Lights/5236/noctu01.mid" loop=infinite>

I love the smell of water when it hits the hot, dry, ground.
There’s something about that smell which reaches a
place deep inside of me. It’s much more effective at getting
a response from me, than hot buttered popcorn in a movie
theater, which nails me everytime I’m fool enough to go.
When it gets hot and dusty, and often when it’s not, I’m out
on the road watering something.
I’ve even just watered the road, scattering the doves, and
pigeons, who follow me wherever I go.
I’ll just be wandering around, dragging that hose behind me,
a middle-aged monkey, with a plastic-coated green tail
escaping again from his white picket cage.
Emmalie thinks I’m mad, but damned if I can explain to her
what it is about that smell, and why I like it so much.
I even water my neighbors small flower bed, which grows
alongside the road. I‘m saving her a climb up the hill
(so I rationalize), but am really giving me more time to play.
I water the weeds that hang down over along the raw dirt
edge of the empty lot across the lane.
The lot is mostly overgrown, with scrub oak, scotch broom,
and far too many of the neighbor's cast-off cars.
I water all around those cars, encouraging the tall grass,
and brush, to speed up their slow march from the back of the
lot, to encompass each and every car. Weeds, brush, and
wild grass are so much lovelier to look at, than flat tires,
camper-shells and big station wagons, with rust spotted >chrome.
Emmalie and I would love to own that lot, or both of them,
since there are two. And we dream about a two story house
that would overlook a gorgeous view, of redwoods, high
grassy meadows, and oaks covered in moss. Most dreams
never really do come true, but we keep dreaming just the
same(and I when I’m watering too). I cut canes from our
huge, wild, prim rose during the last heavy rain, and stuck
them along the edge of the lane, all in a neat row.
They’ve rooted just fine, and like the fast growers that they are,
(with all my watering) they’ll soon block my wrecking yard
view. We’ve got ‘em surrounded now. ..victory is at hand
(if you’re a patient man). And patience is something this disease
is teaching me.


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