In May of 1960, the SOUTH AMERICAN, which can be seen at the far left, has already begun operation and is docked in Detroit busily loading High School Seniors who are taking advantage of special pre-season excursion rates before the vessel begins its usual summer runs between Buffalo and Duluth. The COLUMBIA in the foreground and the STE. CLAIRE in the background are still wearing their winter garb.
On a sunny 1946 day in downtown Detroit both Bob Lo steamers can be seen at dock. The big red sign on a building at the left advertises the NORTH AMERICAN and SOUTH AMERICAN, two cruise ships operated by the Georgian Bay Line more formally known as the Chicago, Duluth and Georgian Bay Transit Co. During that era, the same firm also ran the Bob Lo boats which boast the Georgian Bay stack colors. The Peter Witt Detroit Street Railway car at the right is just turning north from Atwater St. after circling the Vernor's Ginger Ale bottling plant. Southbound Woodward cars always made this loop around the block in order to be head back north. Below Atwater you can see a number of the rather short Ford Built busses which were operated by the DSR during the mid-30's and 40's on routes not served by streetcars.
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