What's New At Paradis Found?

In order to make it easier for our family and friends to see what's new here,
I decided to start this page instead of everyone having to backtrack.
I hope this makes it easier for everyone!!

Well, hi there!!! Welcome back!!! As you can see from our front door, mainly
what's new is the new look!!!! I still love rainbows . . . don't get me
wrong . . . but it was time to move on to something else that we have come
to know and love . . . our new home at "Paradis Found".

I can't believe it's been since 1999 since I worked on this site!!
Where has the time gone?!?!??!

Our two granddaughters, Elizabeth (Ellie) and Naomi (Oni) are almost 6 and 4 now!
Ellie is just finishing up kindergarten and will now go to first grade
in the fall. Wowsers! And come July, we will officially have 3 granddauthers!
Our oldest son Corey and his fiance, Kim, are being married in July,
and Kim has a daughter, Morgan, who is 13, so now we will have
3 beautiful granddaughters!!

We are still enjoying our home. We have numerous deer now who come visit
the deer feeder, and our families of birds, turkeys, squirrels and chipmunks
have now grown. I still love waking up to the singing of the birds and
watching all our "critters" from the windows.
"Paradise Found" is my sanctuary and very clearly
the sanctuary of some of God's most precious creatures!

Scrapbooking is still my passion, but I am no longer a Creative Memories
consultant. After 5 years, I had to make time to do my own albums!

I now have my own Red Hat group, and I love being Queen!
We have great fun together and are in our 3rd year together!!

In June of 2005, Ian, Roger's son, came to live with us and will be
graduating this fall from high school. He plans on attending college to
become a sports trainer. He is graduating 10th in his class!! We are very proud!

Well, that's the scoop on the poop for now! I hope to have more time to
dedicate to our websites. If you are a first-time visitor, welcome, and thank
you stopping by. If you are a return visitor, I hope you have
enjoyed what we've done with the place and will come back again soon.

By the way . . . the bubbles will stay . . . nothing like a bottle of bubbles
to lift the spirit!!!

Blessings to you and yours . . .

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I have forgotten where I found this adorable background.
If it is yours, please let me know so I can give
credit where credit is due. Thanks so much!!

Thanks Y!GeoCities!!