My name is Otto Jensen!

Through quite many years I have made it my hobby to research into my family relations and to work with different items of the local history of the area of Thy and Han Herred, Denmark.

Via this and my Denmark-based website I would like to present some of the things I am working with.

Search this site:



Index on newspapers: Index on illustrations (DK):
Thisted - introduction
Han Herred Bogen
Thisted (municipality): Single volumes:
Total (5 MB)
1882-1899 (PDF)
1900-1909 (PDF)
1910-1919 (PDF)
1920-1929 (PDF)
1930-1936 (PDF)
1944 (PDF)
1996, 1997, 1998,
1999, 2000, 2001,
2002, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006
Han Herred (DK): Collection on pictures (DK):
1882-1936 Klim, Fjerritslev, Thisted
Articles - Klim (DK): Index on persons (DK):
Just Jensen
Kalkværksdrift (Kobakken)
Udviklingen i Klim sogn
Litteratur om Klim
Selvejer- og skudehandlerslægter
Slægten Toft fra Klim
Other articles (DK): Genealogy (DK):
Henriette Nielsen Family tree, text
Register on gravestones:
Churchyard of Vust 2001-02

News 2006/02/25: Genealogical pages moved to my Danish site - please use the link below to go there!

Genealogical research - Otto Jensen

On the subjects of my site:


Han Herred:

Index on persons in the article of C. Klitgaard: Nogle selvejer- og skudehand-
lerslægter fra Han Herrederne
(freeholder- and small craft owner families of the area Han Herred) from 1943.


Index on persons in the article of C. Klitgaard: Slettegaard i Vester HanHerred (a farm in the western part of the area Hanherred) from 1954.


Article on Just Jensen, who ended his life as an innkeeper in the U.S.

Index on persons in the article of C. Klitgaard: Slægten Toft fra Klim (on the Toft family from Klim) from 1942.

Klim censuses:


Thorup Strand:

Henriette Nielsen

Article on the writer Henriette Nielsen of Thorup Strand, who made her name known at the Royal Theater of Copenhagen in the 19'th Century.


Online access to the parish records of Vust 1756-1891 and Vust censuses 1787-1921:

Genealogy on the parish of Vust by Peter Nielsen a.o.

Books on Vust by Peter Grishauge:

Farms, houses and families of Vust

History of the farms of the parish of Vust (DK):

Farms of Vust

Register on gravestones at the churchyard of Vust 2001-02 (DK):

Gravestones at the churchyard of Vust 2001-02


Genealogical research - Otto Jensen

I am still looking for information on the following persons:

Wanted information

Local history:

Han Herred:

New 2005/01/15:

New site on the local history of Han Herred:

Han Herred-portal

Index on Han Herred:

Along with my work of indexing subjects of the newspaper "Thisted Amts Tidende" with relation to the municipality of Thisted (more info below), I have made an index on scattered information on the area of Han Herred.

Han Herred Bogen:

In order to make it possible to search for pictures and other illustrations in the yearbook "Han Herred Bogen", I have made an index on illustrations.

Here you can get access to the whole index for the period 1996-2006 (PDF in Danish):


You must use Acrobat Reader to read the file - get it here:


While reading a well illustrated book from 1917 on the town of Fjerritslev and other towns in the region, I have scanned some old pictures of Fjerritslev.

More old pictures from Fjerritslev here:

Poul Erik Lindstrøm


A first time collection of published literature on Klim, including newspaper articles:

Literature on Klim


As a source for some of my other articles on this site Ingvard Jakobsen and I have written an article on the the historical development of the parish of Klim and the parish of Vesløs.

Limestone quarries of Klim:

In Klim, a small village in the western part of Han Herred, there were several limestone quarries from the second half of the 19'th Century till around 1950.

In 1993 I wrote an article to the yearbook "Historisk årbog for Thy og Vester Han Herred", in which I told the story of the limestone quarry on Klim Kobakke (located west of the village).

The farm of Otto Jensen on Klim Kobakke

You can read about some of the other limestone quarries in the collection of old pictures from Klim:

Limestone quarries in Klim

If you want to read more about limestone quarries in Denmark (in Danish) you should try this link:

The Museum of Struer

Pictures of Klim:

Together with Peter Grishauge I have built up a web-based collection of pictures from Klim:

Pictures from Klim


Site on coasting vessels of Slettestrand (DK):

Jesper Kinch Andersens hjemmeside

Vester Thorup:

Books on the parish of V. Thorup by Peter Grishauge (DK):

Farms and families of the parish of Vester Thorup

Historical recordings of the farms of the parish of Vester Thorup here (DK):

Farms in the parish of Vester Thorup


Books on Vust by Peter Grishauge (DK):

Farms, houses and families in the parish of Vust

Historical recordings of the farms of the parish of Vust here (DK):

Farms and houses in the parish of Vust (DK)

Thisted (municipality):

Since 1993 I have been working on making an index on subjects of the local newspaper "Thisted Amts Tidende" (1882-1970), in order to make it possible to search subjects from the newspaper, primarily with relation to the municipality of Thisted.

New 2005/10/29:

Index on subjects moved to new place:

Thisted Amts Tidende - Index on subjects

Link to the Norwegian website of Thore Harring Hopperstad containing old postcards from Thisted:

Postcards from Thisted


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Relevant links:

The public library of Fjerritslev
The local historical workgroup of Klim
The local archive of the municipality of Thisted
The genealogical Society of Hjørring and surrounding areas
(search the estates of Vendsyssel)
Lars Kr. Lundin: Extracts from the Land Registries of Thy.
The database on the (local) history of North Jutland
The database on North Jutland
(search the articles of the yearbook "Vendsyssel Årbog")
The website of Peter Grishauge
The website of Bent Juhl Christensen
The website of Maj-Britt and Per Agerbæk Sørensen
The website of Jesper Kinch Andersen
(coasting vessels at Slettestrand)

To the historical portal of Han Herred:

Til Han Herred portal

To homepage in Danish:

Til dansk hjemmeside

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Updated 2006/02/26.

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