Chronicles Of
The Scotch-Irish Settlement
in Virginia
Extracted From Original Court Records
of Augusta Co.
by Lyman Chalkey, vol 2

Sep 1804

Peter Bowman to Christian Riddleberger, 400 acres Shenando, part of grant to JACOB STOVER and part of the land where JACOB STOVER and part of the land whereon Jacob now lives, Deed, JACOB STOVER to Peter Bowman above.

Deed 1741

STOVER to Francisco, Cub Run. Following Deed viz: 25 June 1741, STOVER to Christopher Francisco, 176_. Grant to Francisco et als. 20 Sep 1736, STOVER to Bowman. Patent to William Russel for the STOVER patent abandoned. Will of Christopher Francisco.

Ca 1801

JOSEPH STOVER, Phillip Spangler, Saml. Crondson, Jacob Lambert Suit over a lottery held to build a Lutheran Church in Strasburg.

26 Aug 1800

JACOB STOVER and John Towell, sur. JACOB STOVER and Margaret Towell, dau of John Towell, Jacob is of age.

2 Nov 1748

ABRAHAM STOVER, 200 acres, Cub Run joing Saml. Scott, STOVER's 5000 acre track; 60 acres on Great Island in Shanando.

Contributed by Abigail Stover

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