Welcome to the

Cedar Ridge Dairy Goat Farm's

Home on the Web

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Welcome to our farm.

Please feel free to browse and tour our farm, visit our family
and maybe go on to visit a few of our friend's homepages.
Each of these pages are full of photos,
and give a good example of what our life is about.
I have tried to pick interesting photos, so I feel you will have a good time.
I am trying to change each page over to a table format,
just like this first one, so everything should down load quickly.
Please sign our Guestbook,
which you will find at the end of this page.
Thank you

Please click on each Thumbnail photo to visit that portion of our farm.

Our Farm

Cedar Ridge
Dairy Goats

E Lectron
Dairy Goats

Dairy Goats

Our Original Goats
the ones that started it all

Our Dogs

Other Animals
On Our Farm

In Memory Of:
My Pet Raccoon

Martin Edward Kunz
My Husband & Best Friend

Dustin Allen Bass
Kristie Lee Buxengard
My Son & His Fiance

My 1st Grandbaby
Due in June

Robyn Leann Miller
My Best Friend
Mother to my 4 "kids"

Joseph Matthew Anderson
My "Leased" Kid

McKenzie Rae Miller
My Little Sweetheart

Garrett James Miller
My God Son

Ryan Gregory Miller
Dustin's God Son

Cedar Ridge Dairy
Goat Gallery

Goat LINKS page.

"New" Non-Goat LINKS page.

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