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Hi, my name is Londa,(yep that's right..not a typo, really that's my name. *S*) I am happily married (12 yrs) to Forrest. We have two boys, Bryce age 11 and Jesse age 9 and one girl named Cierra age 1. We live in Minnesota now, but we both grew up in our home state of South Dakota. I have recently started digging into my past and thought I would share this census with people.

Census for Cottonwood County 1870


Gathering Place

LeAnna's Homepage

This was how Forrest asked me to marry him.


A forest; it is such a vast thing. A forest is made up of countless pieces, each fitting each other much the same as one piece matches to another in a jigsaw puzzle. It consists of wildlife, plants, earth and air.. Clouds float blissfully upon a sea of unseen wind, water trickles musically down the mountain, and trees climb ever so mightily trying to reach the heavens above. Yes, the forest consists of all these things and many more. But the best things in the forest are the flowers in the spring. So beautifully they all grow, however although some might look alike, each one is as different from the other as night from day. Some are more fragrant, some more colorful, some are fuller, some dainty, some even graceful. It is hard to choose a flower from the forest due to their variety and abundance. When you see one you like you want to pick it and keep it for your very own.

LONDA, you are the flower that I have fallen in love with and I would like to pick you for my very own to be with me forever. YOU are the flower of the FORREST and to that FORREST you are the most beautiful around.

Please accept my invitation to be my flower, my rose, my wife.

Love you 4-ever


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