The Adventures of...
Super Baby! and the New Assistant

written by Amber H.

Once upon a time there was baby named Aja. Super baby wanted an assistant. A new one. So Super Baby went to find an assistant and the only one she could find was a dog named Simba. So they went to save the city. The assistant and Super Baby saved the city.

The End

Super Baby and the Giant Rabbit

Once upon a time there was a baby named Super Baby, but her real name was Aja. Super Baby can fly like the speed of light. Then someone said HELP! So Super Baby went to the town and saw this big rabbit. Super Baby knew the giant rabbit will rule the world! Then she said stop that, I can save the world then my name is not Super Baby. So Super Baby flew up in the sky and saved the world from that mean old rabbit. Then Super Baby said a job is a job well done! So Super Baby went back home and had a drink.

The End

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