Our Weekend
Snoqualmie Falls, WA
Snoqualmie Falls is measured at 268 feet, so beautiful, the Indians
considered this a sacred place. This is a very popular tourist site,
and even on a cloudy day with drizzle, we saw many people. This hike is
a short 1/2 mile round trip (They call this a hike?), and was a great
pleasure for the 4 girls. They learned about the powerhouse, how power
is generated by water, that it provided power to 16,000 homes
in the area.
The trail brought us around the power station in a
narrow path to a viewing platform of the spectacular falls. On our way back,
we followed the rocky path at river level and the children had so much
fun climbing rocks and petting all the dogs along the way!
Hike Rating (out of 5 stars):