Misc. Mini News on Altom's

I always enjoyed reading these little tidbits from small hometown papers, so I thought I would list some I've come across. Anyone got any to add?

Batesville Guard (4/5/1912)
Alonzo-J.A. Altom of Floral spent Sunday night with her father, G. W. Altom, Sr., here.

Batesville Guard (June 27, 1913) Hutchison News-Bernice Altom of Floral passed through Outburg Sunday.

Layfayette County Democrat(July 17, 1931)
Miss Velma Altom spent last weekend in Stamps with her neices Mrs. Arda Upchurch & Mrs. Jim Clark, and is spending this week with her brother H. C. Rader of Falcon, AR.

Bateville Guard (Thursday, Feb. 13, 1936)
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Altom & son spent Saturday night in the home of Mrs. Altom's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Levi Turned of Huff, AR.
(Note: Ernest is John Grady Altom's son)

Batesville Guard (Feb. 27, 1936)
C. E. Altom was a business visitor in Little Rock last week.

Newark Journal (9/8/1938)
Miss Bessie Altom and William Qualls married Saturday.

Batesville Guard (1/5/1939)
Nolan Altom & Miss Floy Wilf were married Christmas Eve night.

Searcy Daily Citizen (Jan. 27, 1967)
Mrs. Bertha Altom & Wayne Altom visited Earl Altom in a Searcy Hospital Sunday.
(Note: This is my father,Wayne, and grandparents.)

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