THE OMBUDSMAN.The function of the family Ombudsman is to receive grievances and suggestions from you. Your ideas can pertain to any facet of Navy life which in your opinion needs evaluation. I will examine your grievances or suggestions and will keep you advised. Each comment will receive my utmost consideration and will be kept confidential. You may convey your ideas by any method that is convenient or comfortable to you (either by telephone, letter, email or personal meeting).
USING THE CHAIN OF COMMAND.When you have a grievance or suggestion, you should try to go through your chain of command first. If you are unable to obtain satisfaction, please don't hesitate to call me. The family Ombudsman program will only be as effective as you and I make it. Remember, more can be done at all levels in the chain of command to better Navy life if we make our needs known.
HALLOWEEN COSTUME PARTY.The Halloween Costume Party will be held on October 31, 1998. We will be holding it at the Reserve Center from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (that still leaves time for the kids to go trick or treating). Hope to see you all there!
QUESTIONNAIRE.Please return questionnaires ASAP.
NEED SOME INPUT. Depending on the response that I receive, I am debating as to whether or not do up a For Sale section in the newsletter. Any military member that has items that they want to get rid of or if your looking for a particular item, can post it here. That way we will be offering our military families first chance, and maybe we can even offer lower prices for our families. Please let me know what you all think.
MEASLES.A sure cure. Put some burned cornmeal in a tobacco bag and hang it around the neck.
BALDNESS: Smear your head with fresh cow manure.
COUGHS: Put some cow dung in water and bring it to a boil. Gargle the water three times a day. Your cough will be gone.
ACNE: Wash your face with a wet diaper.
LABOR PAINS: For an easy birth and normal child, put an alligator head over the door.