Council #4533 |
December '98 Newsletter
CALENDAR OF EVENTS (All meetings at 8:00 p.m. in St. Joan of Arc Church Basement unless noted) DECEMBER 1998 1 Business Meeting / First Degree 8 6 Point Meeting 13 Donut Social / Poinsettia Sale / Christmas Party 15 Tom & Jerry Christmas Social 22 Bernadettes Meeting JANUARY 1999 5 Business Meeting / Joke Night 9 Council Youth Free Throw Contest 12 6 Point Meeting 17 Donut Social 19 Social Meeting / Poker Tournament 26 Bernadettes Meeting GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE Brother Marty Kraynik was the recipient of the Knight of the Month award at the last business meeting. Marty is one of the anchors at the head table at the meetings. His hard work as treasurer and his insight and wisdom are greatly needed and appreciated. We have a lot going on the next few months. Please read up on everything and try to attend some of the events. Remember also in these hectic holiday times to slow down once in a while and enjoy life. Let us keep Christ in Christmas and have a joyous holiday season!! Peace, Karl Oprisch Grand Knight DECEASED BROTHER We ask that your prayers be extended to the family of Brother Knight Carmen Sarno who passed away. Almighty Father, we ask that you accept the soul of our departed Brother Knight into your infinite domain. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, may he rest in peace. BROTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Part of our meetings include offering prayers for Brother Knights and their family members and friends, that we know of, who are sick or recuperating from illness. If you are aware of somebody in need of our prayers please let one of our officers know. Prayers were offered for the following at our last meeting.
MEMORIAL MASS On November 17, our council celebrated its memorial mass. This was a nice gathering to remember the deceased Knights and Bernadettes who have meant so much to the council. We need to thank Fr. Brienz for celebrating mass and making the evening special. Also, we should thank Bill Machuga who served mass, Tim Leopold who did the readings, John Hornyak and Linda Liesner for providing the music, Ron Knox for distributing communion, and Doug and Anne Haines for preparing the snacks afterwards. DECEMBER BIRTHDAY KNIGHTS & BERNADETTES
TOM AND JERRY NIGHT Tom and Jerry night is on Tuesday the 15th of December this year. We will start the evening at 7:30 in the Church Basement. We ask that if you attend to please bring an appetizer or a desert to share. K of C will provide the beverages. Feel free to bring your entire family or some friends. We want to get together on this night and enjoy the good company of our friends. OHIO CHARITIES Brother Dick Offenberger was our Ohio Charities campaign chairman this year. Ticket sales for our council were up this year, but state-wide, sales were down. This was the first year since I have been in this council that I know of some 30 book sellers. Way to go guys! DEGREE TEAM If you are interested in being a member of the first degree team, or a member of the soon-to-be-formed second degree team, contact Jim Beall at 477-3913. HOME COMPANY The site work on the building is about done. There is some minor cleanup to the front of the property, but we believe that the main drainage problem has been solved. We are in the process now of obtaining a building permit so the contractors selected for the interior renovations can begin. Once we get a permit and temporary power we will be looking for crews to do some work. POINSETTIA SALE We will be selling poinsettias again this year. The date of the sale is December 13th. The sale will be after each of the Masses on that Sunday. These are lovely plants that last a long time. Plan to get yours this day. The cost is $7.00 per plant and the proceeds benefit the Special Olympics. Help to support this worthy cause! $2100 TO AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY During the social meeting after the Memorial Mass, John Griggy presented $2100 to Kerri Spence and Hillary Bitz from the American Cancer Society. These funds were the proceeds from the 5th Annual Harold Kehner Memorial Golf Outing which is organized by Harold Kehner's nephew, John Griggy. Through John's hard work and dedication, nearly $9000 has been contributed since the outings began. Speaking on behalf of the American Cancer Society, Hillary Bitz praised the effort and encouraged the council to get involved with some of their other activities like the Great American Smoke-Out and the Relay for Life. FOOD DRIVE Also, thanks go to Jim Beall who has once again organized the Pfieffer Middle School food drive with the proceeds going to the St. Joan of Arc Food Cupboard. I don't have all the details, but I understand it was a huge success. CHARTER DINNER FEBRUARY 6 The annual charter dinner is sneaking up on us quickly. This year the dinner is scheduled for February 6. Final plans are being made at this time, but as always I'm sure it is going to be a wonderful evening. Please plan to attend to celebrate the great year we have had as a council. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, it is still not too late to be heard. YOUTH FREE THROW COMPETITION On January 9th we will be holding our annual youth free throw contest. Winners will be determined in 10 categories and they will be awarded trophies at our Youth Recognition Banquet this spring. They will also earn the right to advance to the next level of competition, the District Championship. The contest starts at 9:45 a.m. and is open to boys and girls ages 10 through 14. POT OF GOLD Dan Gnabah had his name drawn at the November 3rd meeting. Brother Gnabah was not in attendance so the pot grows. EUCHRE TOURNAMENT With two nights remaining, Jim Beall is in the lead with 111 points followed by Kevin Liesner (109), Karl Oprisch (93), and Tom Gellenbeck (92). The pot will exceed $20.00 in this "winner take all" tourney! AMISH DINNER I have it on very reliable information that the Amish dinner was a success. Once again, thanks to Brother Don Kessel for arranging this evening. CHRISTMAS PARTY - DECEMBER 13 |
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