Have you ever seen an Umbrella Cockatoo?
These gentle giants are so cuddly and loving.
I am proud to be owned by two Umbrella
Cockatoos (Cacatu Alba). Quigley is 7
years old (August 16, 1991), and Lizzy is
5 years old (July 13, 1993). They are so
spoiled but that is Great! I bought them
with the idea of breeding but now I have
changed my mind. Cockatoo's can become very
violent while breeding and since these
two talk, cuddle and bring such joy into
my life, I can't imagine taking the risks.

Yellow Collar Mini Macaw
My baby died tonight Dec. 7th 1999
I have a Yellow collared Mini Macaw. Her
name is Jazzy and she is the sweetest little
stinker ever. I picked her up from a friends
shop and love her soooo much, but I have to
admit I have her very spoiled.

I am also owned by a Blue Front Amazon,
Sidney. At this time he is at a breeding
farm getting to know his new wife. If all
goes as planned they should be parents in
the spring/summer time. If that happens,
Sid will no longer be mine. I will
be owned by his female baby, Who will probably
rule the roost as he has.

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