(written 30 October 1792 - proved 11 January 1794)

Transcribed by Guy H. Power (21 September 1999)


South Carolina.

In the Name of God Amen. I Alexander Broughton of the State aforesaid Planter do make, and
Publish this my last Will and testament in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath unto
my beloved Wife Elizabeth Damaris Broughton, during the term of her natural life the following
Negro Slaves, with their future Ifsue and increase, vis. My house Servant Zi, his wife Nelly a Cook
with their Son Toney, Daphne, Belinda and Flora Seamstrefses, also my Slaves Vincent, and
Enfield, the first a house boy, the latter my waiting man but upon and after the death of my said Wife
to be equally divided between and among such of my Children as shall be then living, and the legal
representatives of such as may be then deceased, their Executors, Administrators and Afsigns,
Share and Share alike, the Children Standing in the Shoes of their Parents, and taking such part or
portion as their parents would have been intitled to had they been then living. Item I give and
bequeath to each of my Children, their Executors, Administrators and Afsigns, each his, or her
respective Nurse, together with all the Children, such Nurses now have, or may hereafter have, to
be computed (on a fair valuation by Persons appointed by my Executrix and Executors, or such of
them as may Qualify, or the Majority of them) as a part of their respective shares of my Personal
Estate. Item I give and bequeath my Chair Horses, and Chair to my beloved Wife Elizabeth
Damaris Broughton, her Executors Administrators and Afsigns, It is my Will that my Stock of all
kinds (except the Chair Horses above) be kept together on Exeter Plantation, for the use of my
Wife (during her widowhood) and Children, until they respectively arrive at the age, when they are
intitled to draw off their several Shares – but on the arrival of each of my Children respectively to the
age, or time they are intitled to draw their shares, they are then to have an equal part of my said
Stock, until which period it is my Will that my Wife have power to dispose of any of the old or
young Cattle, for the Support of my family endeavouring to keep up the original Number. Item, I
give and bequeath unto my said Wife Elizabeth Damaris Broughton, her Executors,
Administrators and Afsigns, my Kitchen and House Furniture, including Plate. Item, It is my desire,
that my Wife Elizabeth Damaris Broughton be intitled during her Widowhood, whether in the
City or Country, to as much Wood from Exeter as she can use, and when in the City to the use of
my Schooner be employed continually by my Executrix and Executors in conveying wood to
Charleston, for Sale from my Exeter Plantation to afsist in the payment of my debts. Item I give and
bequeath the rest, residue and remainder of my personal Estate, not otherwise disposed of, equally
between my Wife and Children, their Executors, Administrators and Afsigns share and share alike.
The portions of my Sons to be delivered to them at twenty one. Those of my daughters at twenty
one, or Marriage, which ever happens first. Item I give and devise unto my eldest Son, Alexander
Broughton his heirs and Afsigns for ever, my Plantation called Exeter, Provided Neverhtelefs that
my Wife and Children have the liberty of residing and Planting thereon with their Slaves, my Wife
during her Widowhood my children until they arrive at the Ages aforesaid And it is my Will that my
Wife and Children during the time aforesaid, be allowed all necefsary timber and wood, for repairs,
Plantation sue and fire. Item I give and devise all my lands at [? Daccamaw ?] to my youngest son
Daniel his Heirs and Agsigns for ever. Item, But in case of the death of all my Children before the
Age of twenty one, or Marriage, living my Wife Elizabeth Damaris Broughton, in such case I
give, devise and bequeath all my Estate and property whatever except my Chair Horses and Chair,
which I have bequeathed and do bequeath absolutely unto my said Wife) unto my Wife Elizabeth
Demaris Broughton, during the term of her natural Life, and from and after her decease to my
Mother in Law Elizabeth Jane Ravenel her Heirs Executors, Administrators and Afsigns for ever,
and in case my said Mother in Law Elizabeth Jane Ravenel be then dead then to such Person or
persons his her or their heirs, Executors, Administrators or Afsigns as she shall by her last Will and
Testament in writing or by any Deed or Deeds duly executed give, convey, devise, direct, Will, limit,
or appoint the Same, and in case she shall die intestate then to her legal representatives for ever. But
in case y said Wife be then dead in Such case I give devise and bequeath the same to my Mother in
Law Elizabeth Jane Ravenel her heirs, Executors, Administrators and afsigns for ever – And in
case my said Wife and Mother in Law be both then dead, then to such Person or persons his her or
their heir Executors, Administrators or Afsigns to whom my said Mother in Law shall by her last Will
and Testament in Writing or by any Deed or Deeds duly executed give, convey, devise, direct will,
limit or appoint the same. And should my said Mother in Law die intestate then to her legal
representatives for ever. Item it is my Will that the remainder of my lands be sold by my Executrix
and Executors, or such of them as may qualify, or the majority of them at Public aor private sale, on
such terms and in such manner as they shall think fit; And that the proceeds be applied towards
payment of my debts; And should the funds provided for payment of my debts porve inadequate
thereunto in that case my Wife and Children to contribute equally to the supply of such deficiency.
Item it is my will that my Sons have the best Education the Land can afford, and that at a proper
time they be put to such trade or profefsion by my Executrix and Executors or such of them as
should Qualify, or the Majouity of them as they my said Sons shall choose, and if they shall not
choose any then that my said Executrix and Executors shall choose for them. I do Nominate and
Appoint my beloved Wife Elizabeth Damaris Broughton Executrix and my friends Keating
Simons and Peter Porcher Junior together with my Sons Alexander Broughton and Daniel
Broughton when they attain respectively the Age of twenty one, Executors of this my last Will and
Testament, hereby revoking all others by me heretofore made, In Witnefs whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and Seal this thirtieth day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and Ninety three.


Signed Sealed Published and declared by the Testator as and for his last Will and Teatament, in our
presence and in the Presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnefses
thereto the words "Executrix and" between the Ninth and tenth line from the bottom of the first page
being first interlined also the words "or by any Deed or Deeds" and the words "give convey devise"
being first interlined between the fifteenth and Sixteenth, and the twenty sixth and twenty seventh
linse from the top of the third Page.

David Ravenel Stephen Ravenel Daniel James Ravenel

Proved bevore Charles Lining Esquire O.C.T.D. January 11th 1794. At same time Qualified
Peter Porcher Junior Executor October 23d. 1794 Qualified Elizabeth Dsmaris Broughton
Executrix. July 12, 1808 Qualified Alexander Broughton Executor.



Examined )

22 ) C.L

14 C o. Sh. )


Recorded from Original Will book No. C 1793 - 1800 Page #73 1