Practical Theology and Marital Chastity
This page last transfigured on November 24, 2004
You've read on our INFO page about how NFP is better than contraception for your body. In the long run (eternity, that is), the effect on your soul and marriage is more important. Following God is a 24/7 job, and that includes in the bedroom. God invented you-know-what (that word that would get this page filtered out!) and He wants us to use it chastely and responsibly, and stop imitating the pagans (Rom. 12:1-2). And, the effects of the you-know-what revolution (powered by contraception) on our society have been devastating on marriages, families and society.Lots of folks think contraception is a Catholic hangup, but ALL the Christian denominations were against it until 1930. Now we can see that Catholic 20th century encyclicals like Casti Connubii and Humanae Vitae were prophetic in their warnings.
The hearts are files we hoard right here. Most of the other icons will take you far away so bookmark this page. Scroll down a ways to the Catholic-specific stuff.
Marriage: A Communion Of Life And Love
A new, clear explanation of why contraception is bad for marriage. Vic Galeone (Bishop of St. Augustine) sums up the old reasons and adds some new insights of his own.
Birth Control and God's Will For Our Lives
Larry Bush tells it like it is. Short, non-nagging,
and uplifting.
The Guy Page "Gimme one good reason to do this NFP stuff." OK, here it is, fellas. No sports metaphors, just plain talk about you-know-what and love.
The "So You Think You Know Everything About (You-know-what)" Test
in a 2 page printable format so you can pass it out in your Confirmation class, bible study, confessional or health fair. Or, try it yourself.
First Things Contraception Symposium
on the 30th anniversary of Humanae Vitae. Nine Protestant,
Catholic, and Jewish thinkers were asked if Pope Paul VI was right. Long,
heavy; but good.
The Bible and Birth
Control explains why dozens of Protestant theologians were against it, and passed laws against it in the USA. Plus, "Scripture, Sex and Family Planning", at the Sherwood Forest chapter of
CCL of England
Contraception in the Bible quotes chapter and verse for you. "Read your Bible. It will scare the hell
out of you." Here's a good article on the
early Christians (latest date, 417AD) whose advice is still up to date.
And have a look
here for good quotes from Calvin, Wesley and Luther. |
LDS (Mormon) teaching:
" is contrary to the teaching of the Church
artificially to curtail or prevent the birth of their children...."
Dr. Joseph Stanford of Utah has a long article on the Mormon morality
called " Sex, Naturally
Islam and Family Planning
They pretty much agree with us, as far as
we can tell. This is all we've been able to find so far.
One More Soul
A must-see site.
Some short pieces on how contraception harms you, your
marriage, society. A sterilization reversal hotline (612-755-7706).
A search engine for NFP-only physicians. Janet Smith's tape
"Contraception - Why Not?", which sums it up powerfully, is now in every CCL Course Kit and should be passed out to every
engaged couple in your parish. Articles debunking all that Neo-Malthusian
"overpopulation" bull. And a big, free catalog of good NFP materials,
mostly theological. Two pamphlets by Protestants are "Everything
You Never Wanted to Know About Birth Control" and "The Protest of a
Protestant Minister Against Birth Control." 800-307-7685.
Does The Pill Cause Abortions?
from Randy Alcorn Ministries. A PDF file that
looks nice printed. Very thorough, scientific, and long. Sometimes
people don't believe until they see tons of footnotes, so here they
who ran an effective NFP
program in India, dissed Bill and Hillary Clinton in this speech
about life, love, and NFP at the National Prayer Breakfast. " We cannot solve all the problems in the world, but let us never bring in the worst problems of all, and that is to
destroy love. And this is what happens when we tell people to practice
contraception and abortion."
GIFT Foundation
is an interfaith anti-contraception org. that put on two successful "Pandora's Pillbox" (get it?) conferences. Now their "Naked Without Shame" seminar is touring (the CD is coming).
Life Issues
There are loads of pro-life sites, but this
is one of the best, and it covers more than anti-abortion with much
thoughtfulness and no ranting. For instance, Don DeMarco's
Contraception and Being A Person
is philosopy "for dummies" that has a fascinating
recounting of Richard Strauss' opera, The Woman Without a Shadow
, about trashing the gift of fertility.
Theological Miscellany where we keep our short clippings, sound bites, news flashes, and flashes of inspiration.
We've segregated out
the following Catholic sites although NFP doesn't mean "Not For Protestants".
Catholic teaching is that contraception violates natural law, which
applies to everybody. So, have a look unless you have a real problem
with Catholicism.
The Christian View of (You-know-what), (A Time for Apologetics, not Apologies)
by Janet Smith.
Humanae Vitae, A Generation
by Janet Smith. Both of these are great. Encyclical
, by Pope Paul VI. Heavy stuff, but if you read it you'll be among
a small elite. All the above brought to you by the Bishop of Ok(lahoma)
City, who set up a snazzy website called NFP Outreach.
Information Network
This site is old (and crashes Netscape 6) and they haven't updated their NFP subdirectory. Still some good stuff: The Pill: Abortifacient or Contraceptive?
treats the subject objectively. And, they have the best mailing list on NFP (cinnfp)if you want to chat with users and teachers (we're on it), with everybody but flamers
has a lot of good stuff.
Contraception and Catholic teaching
by Don
DeMarco, a leading lay theologian. This is long, but you'll probably
find a lot of answers in here. Also:
NFP and Morality,
God and The Pill,
Contraception: Fatal to the Faith & Eternal Life
and yet another essay titled
Why Not Contraception
(Not Janet Smith's, this is by George Sim Johnson,
but just as good). Best line: "Be optimistic. The readership of the
New York Times is not reproducing itself."
Fr. Phil Bloom
explains Catholic chastity and
NFP teachings in an easy-to-read manner
Catholic Mind of Fr. Anthony Zimmerman. Why was the birth control pill banned in Japan? The Population Bust, and other interesting jottings.
for Life of Canada has an anti-contraception page with good articles but bad colours, eh? The articles are mostly different from the other sites here.
The Couple to Couple Leaguehas a bunch of articles, and a catalog of great stuff (longer than we could include here) on their "You-Know-What/Theology" and "Catholic" pages. "Marriage Is For Keeps" is the best marriage prep book around. Janet Smith has a video (same as One More Soul's
audio tape) that every High School religion
class and engaged couple should see. They put out chastity and
you-know-what ed materials ("New Corinthians") that pass Catholic moral scrutiny.
. There's also doctor and priest seminars about
twice a year; a couple of days each.
The Sin
of Onan It was contraception. (Yeah, we know what the nuns in grade school told you.) This is from the Homiletic &
Pastoral Review. Pretty heavy, but should satisfy the theologians
among you. Good for a sermon, too.
Contraception and NFP: Explaining the Difference
Another HPR article. Have
a hard time explaining this to your flock? Yourself? Patrick Norris can
"What Every
Catholic Couple Should Know" .....about marital sex. A review of of a beautifully done pamphlet by a neighbor of ours, and a link to a bigger chunk. Pastors, check this out! Hand a copy of this to
every engaged couple, along with a Janet
Smith tape, and you'll only have to marry them once.
Pastoral Letter on Marriage by Cardinal Law, formerly of Boston. Long and boring, but it covers just about everything on marriage.
NFP and
the Church's Teaching
William Rushman gives yet another different
perspective on it. Isn't NFP just like contraception? Can't I just
follow my conscience? Good sermon material here.
Pastoral Letter on Humanae Vitae
Archbishop Chaput of Denver's long but
easy-to-read and thoughtful pastoral. " I believe the message
of Humanae Vitae is not a burden but a joy. I believe this encyclical offers a key to deeper, richer marriages." He answers questions like "Aren't we supposed to follow our conscience?" "Is the Church obsessed with (You-know-what)?" and "I'm a priest. How can I preach about this to married people? Won't I lose them?"
A Doctor Rejects Contraception
EWTN has this anti-abortifacient article
in its pro-life collection. Hippocrates would be proud.
The Edith Stein
aims for "true reproductive freedom for women.....we need to heal
the epidemic bondage in so called "women's healthcare" relating to the
contraception mentality that leads to abortion and sterilization." Don't
miss this: the Psychology of Contraception button leads you to a gem, "Contraceptive
Emotional and Personality Damage in Women".
Spacing and Number: The "NFP Index"
For those who want a mathematical formula,
or a plug-in for their NFP charting software, or just have to know
exactly when to pop 'em out according to a list of rules, we have
bad news (there AREN'T any) .... and good news (it's up to you and
More Catholic than the Pope?
Is NFP a sin? Do we have to have as many kids
as "God allows"? Should we look down our righteous noses at those
who, we feel, have less than "dire straits" reasons for limiting
family size? A good article, plus more, at the University Concourse.
Catholic Doctors and Contraception
Practical advice on how a GP should deal
with the tough issues of conscience vs. the contracepting world
Non-NFP General Theology Stuff
Sex-Ed In Catholic Schools
, now festering in the Syracuse Diocese (that's us).
This Conservative Catholic site explores how a rather explicit
curriculum was quietly introduced without parental input, triggering
a small civil war. An alternative high parental involvement program
by CCL, "New Corinthians", was tried in 2 schools.
ABC's of Faith
Does God exist? Do I need salvation?
Is there a perfect church? Explain these and more tough questions
to your kids, Sunday school, yourself in plain English.
Family Honor
A new non-denominational pro-chastity org with
loads of materials and teacher training.
Sex Respect Another non-denominational pro-chastity
Daily Meditation
based on the Catholic daily scripture readings.
Done by Joachim Nelson (WA1GFG), and his pals, up in God's country
( Forestport, NY). He likes to spotlight the follies of Planned Parenthood, too.
Sacred Space
The Jebbies of the Emerald Isle
lead you through a scripture reading/meditation/prayer in only
5-10 minutes, so you have no excuse for not doing it every day (instead
of yet-another game of Freecell).
What do they do to while away winter
and black fly season in the North Country of Upstate NY? They collect
info you can't find anywhere else.
Cathochic says "......We are the pro-life, the pro family, the anti-hedonism, and the anti-culture-of-death. We proclaim Christ as our Lord and Savior. We model our lives after Mary, Mother of God, not Hillary, Queen of Politics. We are Catholic women!" What can we say.
That's about all we've uncovered so far. If you see errors or know of anything on-line that should be here, let us know. You might receive a prestigious award. Maybe.
You, your spouse & God - a great team. Have a nice forever!
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