"Eeeee-you" Texas Critters

For all the cute cuddly-type critters we have in Texas, we also have a few that
may send chills up your spine, or make your skin crawl...if so, scroll no
further!!!!Personally, I don't like looking at spiders, scorpions, killer
bees or palmetto bugs (they look like giant roaches)......so you'll find no
pictures of those here. But this rattlesnake (out of striking range of the
camera) from West Texas and this salt-water crocodile from Sea Rim State
Park are okay.

Likewise, this crab (you can catch your own at South Padre Island on the bay
side) are fun to watch while you are fishing in the Laguna Madre. The green
anole is common throughout South Texas, although they bring a good price
in northern pet stores. It can change color somewhat to blend in with its
surroundings. The anoles and other similar lizards help keep down the bug
population around houses if you leave them alone.

If you are really lucky, at certain
times of the year on Texas beaches, you
may find a complete sand dollar.

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