I 105th Congress, 2d Session - - - - - - - - - - - - House Document 105- 311








SEPTEMBER 18, 1998.~ Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary pursuant to H. Res. 525 and ordered to be printed



September l& l998 Foreword

Pursuant to H. Res. 525, which was adopted by the House of Representatives on September 11, 1998, by a vote of 363- 63, the Committee on the Judiciary, on September 18, 1998, ordered the public printing of volumes two through seven of the Referral from Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr The materials printed herein have been redacted by the Committee. All redactions approved by the Committee are indicated in the attached redaction


At this time, the Committee has elected not to release certain material filed under seal with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas.

House Committee on the Judiciary House Committee on the Judiciary



House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number

Vol. II, Tab D, Map Vol. II, Tab G Vol. II, Tab I, pp. lo- 19

Vol. III, Tab 1

Reason for Redacted Material

National Security Personal Identifying Information

National Security Deposition of William Jefferson Clinton,

Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. III, Tab 4 Deposition Exhibit 3 Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. III, Tab 5 Deposition Exhibit 5 Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. III, Tab 8 Deposition Exhibit 8 Jones V. Clinton

Vol. III, Tab 9 Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

President Clinton’s Response to Plaintiffs Third Set of Interrogatories,

Jones V. Clinton Vol. III, Tab 10

Sealed Pursuant to Court Order President Clinton’s Responses to Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories,

Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number Reason for Redacted Material

Vol. III, Tab 11 Deposition Exhibit 11 Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. III, Tab 12 Deposition Exhibit 12 Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. III, Tab 13 Deposition Exhibit 13 Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. III, Tab 14 President Clinton’s Supplemental Responses to Plaintiffs Second Set of

Interrogatories Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. III, Tab 15, 849- DC- 634 Personal Identifying Information Vol. IV, Tab 2, p. 111, lines 24- 25- p. Privacy

112, lines l- 7 Vol. IV, Tab 3, p. 53, lines 3- 20 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 3, pp. 88,95, 96, index Privacy

Vol. IV, Tab 6, p. 1 Personal Identifying Information Vol. IV, Tab 10, p. 4 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 7, p. 1 Personal Identifying Information Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 10, lines 18- 20 (non- Privacy

compressed copy, p. 9, lines 18- 20)


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number

Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 12, lines 3- l 1 (compressed copy, p. 13, lines 3- l 1)

Reason for Redacted Materia

Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 17, line 4- 5 (compressed copy, p. 18, line 4- 5)

Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 18, lines 22 !h - 24 (compressed copy, p. 19, lines 22 !A - 24)

Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 19, lines 3- 17 (compressed copy, p. 20, lines 3- 16)

Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 15, 29, line 21- 30, p. p. 31, line 12 (compressed 30, line copy p. 2 l-

p. 31, line 12) Sexual Description

Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 46, lines 16- 22 (compressed copy p. 47, lines 16- 2 1)

Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 47, lines 8- l 1 (compressed copy p. 48, lines 8- l 1)

Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 49, lines 15- 24 (compressed copy of p. 50, lines 15- 24)

Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 15, p. 69, index Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 16, pp. l- 4,6 Privacy

Vol. IV, Tab 17, pp. l- 3 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 19, p. 1 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 19, p. 4, para. 1 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 19, p. 7, para. 2 Privacy


Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 1 Privacy


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number Reason for Redacted Material

Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 2, para. 1 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 8, para. 2 Sexual Description II

Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 9, para. 1 Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 10, para. 1 Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 14, para. 3 Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 15, para. 3 Sexual Description II

Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 16, para. 4 Sexual Description II

Vol. IV, Tab 20, p. 19, para. 1 Sexual Description II

Vol. IV, Tab 2 1, p. 1 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 2 1, p. 9, para. 2 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 21, p. 16, para. 7 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 22, p. 1 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 22, p. 11, para. 4 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 23, p. 1 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 24, p. 1 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 24, p. 3, para. 2 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 24, p. 10, paras. 3, 5,6 I Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 24, p. 11 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 25, p. 2, para. 3 Privacy II

Vol. IV, Tab 25, p. 4, para. 1 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 25, p. 8, para 2 (first) I Expletives II

Vol. IV, Tab 25, p. 8, para. 2 Privacy


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number I Reason for Redacted Material

Vol. IV, Tab 26, p. 1 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 27, p. I Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 27, p. 5, para. 3 Sexual Description Vol. IV, Tab 27, p. 9, para. 2 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 27, p. 9, para. 3 Privacy

Vol. IV, Tab 28, p. I Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 29, p. I Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 29, p. 2, paras. 4- 5 Privacy

Vol. IV, Tab 29, p. 4, para. 3 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 30, p. 1 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 30, p. 6, para. 5 Privacy

Vol. IV, Tab 3 1, p. 1 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 32, p. I Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 33, p. I Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 34, p. 1 Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 35, p. I Privacy Vol. IV, Tab 37, pp. 2, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13 I Privacy

Vol. V, Tab 28, pp. l- 5 Privacy Vol. V, Tab 3 1, p. 1 Privacy Vol. VI, Tab 49, p. 1 Privacy

Vol. VI, Tab 54 Privacy Vol. VI, Tab 55 Privacy


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other IdentiIication Number Reason for Redacted Material

Vol. VI, Tab 59 Privacy Vol. VI, Tab 60, p. 3 Privacy

Vol. VI, Tab 61 Privacy Vol. VI, Tab 64 Privacy Vol. VI, Tab 74 Vol. VI, Tab 78, first occurrence

Privacy Privacy Vol. VI, Tab 78, second occurrence

Vol. VI, 0812- DC- 2 Sexual Description

Personal Identifjiing Information Vol. VI, 0828- DC- 12 I Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 0828- DC- 13 Vol. VI, 0828- DC- 23

Personal Identifying Information Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 0830- DC- 7 Vol. VI, 0830- DC- 17

Personal Identifying Information Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 083 1 -DC- 8- 11 I Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 0832- DC- 4- 5 Vol. VI, 0833- DC- 980

Personal Identifying Information Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 0833- DC- 1857 Expletive Vol. VI, 0833- DC- 27 16 Vol. VI, 0833- DC- 3207

Personal IdentifjGng Information Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 0833- DC- 17867, 69, 75, 86, 90,

903,904,908 Vol. VI, 0837- DC- l- 4,6- 19, 21- 24

Personal Identifying Information Personal Identieing Information


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number Reason for Redacted Material

Vol. VI, 0837- DC- 25- 27 Redacted Prior to Receipt Vol. VI, 0845DC- 190 I Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 0849- DC- 90- 102 President Clinton’s Responses to

Plaintiffs Third Set of Interrogatories, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI. 0849- DC- 121- 137 Plaintiffs Witness List Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0849- DC- 352 Transcript of Videotaped Oral Deposition U. S. V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0849- DC- 586 Vol. VI, 0849- DC- 634

Deposition Exhibit 1 Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Deposition Exhibit I5 Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0852- DC- 35, 37, 44,45 I Personal Identieing Information Vol. VI, 0854- DC- 1485 I Personal Identifying Information

Vol. VI, 0856- DC- 2 I Personal Identieing Information Vol. VI, 0880- DC- 2 I Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 08902- DC- 33 I Personal Identifying Information Vol. VI, 08902- DC- 135 I Personal Identifjiing Information

Vol. VI, 0916- DC- 3 Personal Identieing Information


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number Reason for Redacted Material

Vol. VI, 0920- DC- 13 Personal IdentiIjing Information Vol. VI, 0920- DC- 5 17- 525 Order,

Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0921- 61- 62 Clerk’s Minutes, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 092 1 -DC- 96- 100 Plaintiffs Motion to Compel Responses to Plaintiffs Second Set of Interrogatories

to Defendant Clinton Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0921- DC- 101- 119 Second Set of Interrogatories from Plaintiff to Defendant Clinton

Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0921- DC- 120- 137 President Clinton’s Responses to Plaintiffs Second Set of Interrogatories

Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0921- DC- 138- 143 Exhibit 3, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0921- DC- 144- 145 Exhibit 4, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 0921- DC- 150- 151 Exhibit 5, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number

Vol. VI, 092 1 -DC- 459- 466

Reason for Redacted Material

Order, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 092 l- 736- 744 Order, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 092 l- 75 l- 752 Clerk’s Minutes, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VI, 092 l- DC- 770- 72 Vol. VI, 0921- DC- 775- 778

Vol. VI, 0929- DC- 56 Vol. VI, 0964- DC- 862 Vol. VI, 096% DC- 73, 187,236,263, 303

Vol. VI, 0968- DC- 3506, 10,22, 33,46, 50, 56, 58, 69

Vol. VII, lOOO- DC- 768 Vol. VII, 10 13- DC- 95- 96

Vol. VII, 10 14- DC- 22 Vol. VII, 1033- DC- 33- 35 Vol. VII, 1033- DC- 115- 16

Clerk’s Minutes, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Motion for Protective Order Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Personal Identieing Information Personal Identifying Information

Redacted Prior to Receipt Personal Identifying Information

Personal Identifjing Information Personal Identieing Information Personal Identifjing Information Personal IdentifjGng Information Personal IdentifjGng Information


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number

Vol. VII, 1034- DC- 60- 63, 99, 103, 109, 111

Reason for Redacted Material

Privacy Vol. VII, 1037- DC- 11, 17, 22, 38, 40, 42, 63, 86, 103, 107, 265, 280, 296, 318, 338,

341,553,583 Personal Identieing Information

Vol. VII, 1037- DC- 39, 168, 3 18, 341 Vol. VII, 105 1 -DC- 3 Vol. VII, 1064- DC- 8 Vol. VII, 1065- DC- 6, 8

Vol. VII, 1078- DC- 2 Vol. VII, 1178- DC- 5, 11, 13- 16, 18- 21,

23 Vol. VII, 1178- DC- 26 Vol. VII, 1205- DC- 16 Vol. VII, 12 16- DC- 22- 23 Vol. VII, 1248- DC- 8, 305, 307, 3 11, 3 12-

315, 319, 327- 328, 381,444 Vol. VII, 1362- DC- 1171

Vol. VII, 1407- DC- 5 Vol. VII, 1408- DC- 5 Vol. VII, 1414- DC- 001, 1006- 1014

Expletives Personal Identifying Information Personal Identifying Information Personal Identifying Information Personal Identifjing Information Personal Identifying Information and

Certain Material Redacted Prior to Receipt

Personal Identifying Information Personal Identieing Information Personal Identifjring Information Personal Identifying Information

National Security Personal Identieing Information Personal Identifying Information

Order, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number

Vol. VII, 1414- DC- 1188- 1192

Reason for Redacted Material

Order, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VII, 1414- DC- 1327- 1346 Hearing Transcript Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VII, 1414- DC- 1534- 1546 Second Set of Requests from Plaintiff to Defendant Clinton for Production of

Documents Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VII, 1472- DC- 6- 20 Vol. VII, 1506- DC- 29, 3 1, 50

Vol. VII, 1506- DC- 57- 58 Vol. VII, 1506- DC- 68, 70, 102, 139, 144,

192,275,373 Personal Identifying Information

Personal Identifying Information Redacted Prior to Receipt Personal Identifying Information

Vol. VII, 2004- DC- 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91

Personal Identifying Information Vol. VII, MSL- 55- DC- 94, 124

Vol. VII, MSL- DC- 1166 Vol. VII, MSL- DC- 1176, 1192

Vol. VII, V002- DC- 5 Vol. VII, V002- DC- 6- 15

Privacy Personal Identifying Information Personal Identicing Information Personal Identifying Information President Clinton’s Responses to Plaintiffs First Set of Interrogatories

Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number Reason for Redacted Material

Vol. VII, V002- DC- 16- 32 President Clinton’s Responses to Plaintiffs Second Set of Interrogatories

Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VII, V002- DC- 52- 55 President Clinton’s Supplemental Responses to Plaintiffs Second Set of

Interrogatories Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VII, V002- DC- 56- 92 President Clinton’s Responses to Plaintiffs First Set of Requests for Projection of Documents and Things,

Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VII, V002- DC- 93- 116 President Clinton’s Responses to Plaintiffs Second Set of Document

Requests, Jones V. Clinton Sealed Pursuant to Court Order

Vol. VII, V004- DC- 134- 167 Personal Identieing Information Vol. VII, V004- DC- 171- 172 Redacted Prior to Receipt

Vol. VII, V004- DC- 183 Personal Identieing Information Vol. VII, V005- DC- 58, 60- 61 Redacted Prior to Receipt

Vol. VII, V006- DC- 7- 9 Personal Identifying Information Vol. VII, V006- DC- 20 Personal Identifying Information Vol. VII, V006- DC- 118 Personal Identifying Information


House Committee on the Judiciary Redaction Report

Page or other Identification Number

Vol. VII, V006- DC- 157- 159, 162, 167, 180, 181, 183

Reason for Redacted Material

Personal IdentitLing Information Vol. VII, V006- DC- 225 I Personal IdentifjGng Information Vol. VII, V006- DC- 39 1 Personal Identieing Information Vol. VII, V006- DC- 1770, 1792, 1796 Personal Identif+ ng Information

Vol. VII, VOOG- DC- 1813- 1814 I Personal IdentifjGng Information Vol. VII, V006- DC- 2064- 207 1 Personal Identifying Information and

Certain Material Redacted Prior to Receipt

Vol. VII, V006- DC- 2095,2130, 140, 142, 146- 147, 156, 158,214, 243

Redacted Prior to Receipt Vol. VII. V006- DC- 37 19 I Personal Identifiing; Information



Foreword .................................................................................................. Redaction Report ................................................................................... Volume II: Appendix.. ............................................................................

Statement of OX’s Jurisdiction ........................................................ Order Pe~ itting Disclosure of Grand Jury Material ................... Procedural Background and History of Jones v. Clinton.. ............. Map of White House, West Wing ...................................................... Table of Monica Lewinsky White House Visits.. ............................ Table of Contacts between Monica Lewinsky and the President . . Table of Phone Conversations .......................................................... Litigation History ............................................................................... Evidence Reference ........................................................................... Legal Reference .................................................................................. Monica Lewinsky Immunity Agreement.. .......................................

. . .



1 5 9 11 99 103 113 127 183 201 263 377

Volume III: Document Supplement, Part A, William J. Clinton Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..**.........................................*...................*...*...... 381

Volume IV: Document Supplement, Part B, Monica S. Lewinsky Statements . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701

Volume V: D~ ument SuppIement, Part C, Documents Cited in Referral: Tabs l- 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D... 1619

Volume VI: Document SuppIement, Part D, Documents Cited in Referral: Tabs 47- 83, Bates Numbers 812- 968 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2207

Volume VII: Document Supplement, Part E, Documents Cited in Referral: Bates Numbers lOOO- VO06 . . . . . . . . . .. l......................... 1 . . . . . 2747