DaShara Noelle

The Middle Child!

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You know I don't ever remember doing anything so bad to deserve the never ending harrassment Kiah and DaShara can dish out. LOL! They are constantly distroying something. Thank God for nerve pills, Dimetapp & Calgon! LOL! Well I guess not Calgon because no one ever lets me get in the bathroom to be by myself long enough to use Calgon!

This is DaShara Noelle. She was born May 31, 1994. She weighed in at 7lbs 12 1/2oz and 19 inches long. She is the one who talks everyones ears off in the family. Of course grandma thinks this little angel does no wrong, boy does DaShara have her fooled. This is the one responsible for my Peyton's broken arm. She has painted the bathroom red, with bright red fingernail polish. She gets up in the middle of the night for midnight picnics all over the house. She took a dozen eggs and poked her finger through them all, and fed our wolf pup a whole package of bologna and a half of pan of peanutbutter fudge. She is never at a loss for things to do or say. DaShara had hernia surgery on July 15, 1997. She did very well, I don't think anything could slow this child down.



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