August 1999: Vacation on Duck, North Carolina

Hello everybody! The Outer Banks of North Carolina is a great place to vacation. We had beautiful weather and the hurricanes were nowhere to be found. Relax and enjoy the photos. (I'll add more photos to the collection as I find them.)

Duckingham Palace. Kinda has a funky ring to it, no? Anyhoo, this is the cottage in which the Revis and Hand Families, and Mom and Rafael stayed from August 15 until August 22, 1999. There were two master bedrooms plus two other bedrooms. You can't tell from the photo but the place was huge!

Emma and Elena are standing next to the sandcastle that Stuart, Sam, Sophie, Ethan, Ana, and Allison built the night before.

Hi, everybody!!!

Ned and Ollie, my best guys!

Yikes! What is that wet stuff?!?!

Ahhhh, life...! This is the way to go!

Stu, Ollie, Ned, and some of the kiddies to the far right of the photo.

More to come later!


Return to front porch.