99th Michener-Worthington Reunion


Our 99th family reunion was held on June 25, 2004. The day was partly sunny and the temperature was around 80. It was a lovely, breezy day for a picnic. We started setting up around 9:00 in the morning with family members arriving throughout the morning. There were 83 attendees with only about 10 children at the reunion this year. People were renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Quilt patches were being turned in by family members for the 100th year quilt.

Curt Michener gave the invocation at 12:20 before the start of the lunch. Families brought covered dishes or desserts for all to share. The reunion committee provided lunch meat, cheese, rolls and drinks. The Barry Weaver Comedy Magic show entertained the kids, young and old after lunch.

A memorial service for Family Historian, Anna Shaddinger (5/25/1903-11/12/2003), Pearl Hauler (11/21/1903-11/28/2003) and Past Family Reunion President, Herbert Wismer (10/17/1926-10/1/2003) was held. Curt Michener led the service and obituaries were read for each. Norma Fox sang the 23rd psalm. It was mentioned that Robert Stover also passed away in December 2003.

The business meeting was called to order at 2:05 by President, James Michener. The executive committee members were introduced. The Secretary, Diane Foose, read the minutes from the last meeting and they were approved. The Treasurer, Ina Harmath, read the financial report. $1000 was donated to the Plumstead Quakers Meeting house. Memorials were donated for Anna and Herb. Approval was given to pay the current bills. Thanks were given for all donations over the past year.

Regina Butterer, family historian, gave her update. She is requesting all names and addresses to be updated so that our files can be complete. Regina was inspired by Anna to become our historian.

The family cook book is still available for purchase for $7. Pictures are being scanned in for a video that we hope to have ready for the next year. 20 Quilt pieces have already been received; we need more to complete the quilt.

Norma Fox of the nominating committee recommended the following persons for election to the offices of the reunion committee.

·        Curt Michener – President

·        Lester Michener – 1st Vice President

·        James Michener – 2nd Vice President

·        Ina Harmath – Treasurer

·        Diane Foose – Secretary

·        Regina Butterer – Family Historian

All were voted into office.


Next the awards were given out for the following:

·        Oldest Man – Alvin Ridge (86 years old) $5

·        Oldest Woman – Sara Fry (97 years old) $5

·        Longest Married – Bob & Mary Michener (54 years)

·        Newlyweds – Mathew & Stephanie Handy (April 17, 2004)

·        Youngest Person – Kees Lynch (10 months old)

·        Oldest & Youngest John – John Petersen (70 years old)

·        Oldest Sara – Sara Fry (97)

·        Youngest Sara – Sara Welsh

·        Oldest & Youngest Twins – Kyle & Sean Haggerty (9 yrs old)

·        Largest Family – Jacobs Family

·        Farthest traveled – Petersen Family from Victoria BC

·        Watermelon guess – Jen Bjork (15 lbs 8 oz)

·        M&M guess – Theresa Rolkey (624)


Discussion was brought back to our reunion next year. The members were polled to see where they would like to have the next reunion. Suggestions of Seattle, BC and Bridgeton were given. Bridgeton, Pa was approved. Thanks were given to all that made this reunion possible, including the kitchen crew, set-up and clean-up crews and the Executive Committee.

John Petersen spoke to the group. His Grandmother was a Michener. This was his first time attending and hopes to return again and bring more relatives with him hopefully for the 100th reunion.

The formal meeting was concluded at 2:40. Door prizes were then given out to all attendees by calling of tickets. A group picture was taken. There was food left over for a second meal if anyone wished to stay.



Respectfully Submitted,


Diane Foose
