306 4-H Road, Lansing, Kansas 66043

(located a half-mile off of Highway 7 on 4-H Road)

We offer many opportunities to serve and be served throughout the week:

  • Sunday Early Bible Study 8:30 am
  • Children's Church 8:30am
  • Sunday Early Services 9:30 am
  • Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30 am
  • Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am
  • Sunday Evening Adult/Youth Discipleship 5:30 pm
  • Sunday Evening Children's & J.V. AWANA 5:30-7:30 pm
  • Church Meal Wed. 6:00pm
  • Kids Choir Club Wed. 6:30pm
  • Junior High Rally Wed. 6:30 pm
  • Senior High--Varsity Awana 6:30 pm
  • Wednesday Evening Services 6:30 pm
  • Wed. Choir Practice 7:30 pm
  • Thursday Evening Adult Literacy 7pm
  • Thurs. Eve. 6pm Sr. High Youth (meet at Youth Minister's Home)
  • Tues. Eve. 6pm Jr. High Youth (meet at the Snyders' Home)

    A nursery is provided during Sunday and Wednesday activities.

    About our Church

    We are a Bible believing Church that believes God's Holy Word is the standard in all matters. The Bible is true and is without error. Most importantly, the Bible is relevant for you and I today. God's Word provides the answers for daily living. We are about trying to take that message to every boy and girl, man and woman in our community. If you are interested in a place where you can know and serve a living God come join us!

    Church Mission Statement and Purpose

    We are a Biblical community of faith, where everyone is welcome and JESUS is LORD.
    Expressing our Faith, Sharing our Faith, Building our Faith

    This simple statement is the core of what we hold most important and the basis of how we make decisions. It states: That all of the decisions of our fellowship are based on Scripture. We value the fellowship of the family of God. Everyone is welcome to hear God's Word no matter what their sins are or differences, and that God offers forgiveness and repentance for all. Jesus is the head of our Church. The Functions of our Faith are: To EXPRESS it to God through worship, praise, service, and personal devotion. To SHARE it with others through witnessing, evangelism, outreach, and missions, both foreign and domestic. To BUILD it within ourselves through personal Bible study, discipleship, Sunday School, small group studies, and encouraging one another. All that we do is evaluated by this simple statement, and the question is asked, "How does this help us accomplish our mission?"

    Tom Renfro, Pastor

    Our Pastor is a 1983 graduate of Southwest Baptist University and 1997 Graduate of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to Cindy Renfro and has three children: Robert, Christopher, Catherine. Tom has been in the ministry for 19 years and has served as Youth Minister, Assoc. Pastor, College Professor and Minister of Education. Tom currently serves on staff at Kansas City Kansas Community College as well as serving as our pastor. Tom can be contacted at Trenfro@hotmail.com

    Tim Reese, Youth Minister

    As well as leading our Youth and AWANA programs, Tim is a full time Army Nurse at Fort Leavenworth. Tim is married to Lorri and they have six wonderful children. Tim and Lorri home-school Evan, Alexis, Brittany, and McKenna. Preston and Hannah are preschoolers. Tim can be contacted at dadof6@iname.com

    Mike McLeod, Minister of Missions

    Mike is a full time student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Mike leads our Adult Literacy Program as well as our benevolence and community outreach ministries. Mike is married to Megan and has two children, Brenna and Connor. Mike can be e-mailed at mmmcleod@gateway.net

  • Bible Study Tools and Helps
  • Links to Other Christian Sites
  • AWANA Information
  • Hour of Prayer study
  • Y2K Information
  • Current Activities
  • Lansing First Southern Baptist Church Email