A Christian Rock Band From Maryland/D.C.

You are visitor number since July 25, 1997

Christian Family Site Award 

Don't miss the Coffee House website!

Coffee House continues to run every month on the Third Friday of the month.

Third Friday is no longer together. Unfortunately, we had to go our separate ways in November, 1998. A special thank you to all of those who supported us and invited us to play at various venues.

Third Friday was:

We believe that Jesus is the one and only King of Kings, the only way to reach Heaven, and the only way to have Eternal Life!


The Alpha, The Omega
The Hole in Your Heart
All Hale

Links to other sites on the Web

CCM Magazine Online
Mid Atlantic Christian Concerts
Gaithersburg Church of the Nazarene Coffee House

For more information, e-mail us at:


this Christian Music Ring site is maintained by: Bob Mathis
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© 1997, 1998 Bob Mathis. Send mail to: thirdfriday@geocities.c om

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