Welcome to Kai and Kirsten's Home Page!

This page belongs to us: Kai Jensen Ivins, born on January 21, 1997, and Kirsten Anne Ivins, born on December 23, 1998. Our mommy made us our very own home page. She works at the World Bank on African and Middle East countries. She has to travel sometimes, but brings us back nice presents! Our daddy works at Walter Reed Hospital, for the Jackson Foundation which does all types of research. He doesn't have to travel so much.

Now for some information about us. Our names are Danish and English, as we are of both heritages. Kai can also be spelled "Kaj", but in English it is easier to pronounce when spelled as "Kai". Kirsten can be spelled in many different ways, but this is an easy one in English. We have lots of cousins in Denmark . Our mommy speaks Danish to us sometimes but we don't really understand much yet.

Please visit us and take a look at our photos below. Our mom is always happy to have any comments too.

Just Kai!

0-3 months Jan. Moms East Coast Reunion, March 1997 Guess the Kais, October 1997
Halloween and Christmas 8-10 months 18 months and onward

Introducing Kirsten!

Kai at 2 1/4 and Kirsten at 4 months Kai at 2 1/2 and Kirsten at 6 months Kai at 2 1/2 and Kirsten at 6-8 months
Halloween and other pics Christmas to January 2000 Spring 2000
August to November 2000 November 2000 gathering of Internet friends Christmas 2000
See the 2 Kais! Kai's 4th birthday!

Our trip to Denmark! Kirsten's 3rd birthday! Kirsten's new haircut! Christmas 2001! First 2002 snow!

Other family links

Our best friends, the dogs: Cicely , Kenai, and Zoë. Mommy's trips: Pictures from: Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa

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Ingrid Ivins

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Last updated: August 2004

© 1997 - 2004 Ingrid Ivins