... about Breed Mate

The WorldDal database uses dedicated "third party" Pedigree Software developed by others for a number of very good reasons:

*** We don't have to worry about the hassle of programming in a language we don't understand. This gives us more time to devote to compiling the database, a task which has already taken literally thousands of hours.

It is pleasing to note though, that the software developer has demonstrated a very high interest in our project by making a number of programming alterations at our request. Such changes, we feel, have made the program more versatile for our ultimate database users.

*** We don't have to provide software support, which again will not take us from our task of developing the database.

We could go on and on but you've probably got the message. After all, why should we go about trying to re-invent the wheel!

Free demo versions are available from Breed Mate Home Page. We reckon it's a great product but then, don't take our word for it - try it out for yourself!

Below is a sample of one of the Pedigrees the program can print out.

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NOTE: We advise that neither Breed Mate nor Wild Systems sponsors any of WorldDal's activities. This information is placed solely in recognition of a great bit of software!


some areas of this site are still

We apologise for any inconvenience but hey, we're just learning about this fandangled HTML stuff. More Photographs, Pedigrees and links are yet to be made but eventually we hope to present you with some more highly interesting and useful information.

to: rodwells@hunterlink.net.au

Rod Wells (Bemara Dalmatians)

International: Phone: +61 49 30 4703 Fax: +61 49 30 4862
From within Australia: Phone: (049) 30 4703 Fax: (049) 30 4862

© Rod Wells, 1997. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 12 May 1997. 1