Boxers Urkabustaiz'tar
Boxer breeders since 1964

About us

We have been showing and breeding Boxers since 1964.

We are not commercial breeders, but passionate Boxer fanciers and usually breed one or two litters per year.

Most of our spare time is devoted to our Boxers: showing, breeding, exercising, training, etc.

Our Boxers are family dogs.

If you want to purchase a boxer puppy (cachorro bóxer) and we do not have any at the moment, we will give referrals to other breeders.

boxers urkabustaiz mapa localización

Moscoso family

Martín Susaeta, 3 - 1o D
E-01010 Vitoria

(+ 34) 945 133930 (English, Deutch)
(+ 34) 945 171155 (Spanish)

(in English / auf Deutsch / en castellano)

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