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廣東海陸豐客家人 美客僑胞 一條心
歡迎 Marker example 5 笑
三才 : 天 地 人
Hakka Culture by wuhow_peng Hakka - Also called as guest. Historical, they lived in the center of China.
They left the China mother land to different locations. By the 青山 綠水
They make new home land.
As a "guest" overseas, my mind is in
the motherland and our remote origin,
Making my home globally, I hold hands with new friends
to keep our heritage for generations to come.
Siu-Leung Lee
Dear All;
 2005-05-31: The World Wide Web Consortium marks the ten year anniversary of its  
 European presence with a celebration on 3 June at CERAM in the Sophia Antipolis 
 Science Park, France. 
  W3C Celebrates Ten Years Leading the Web in Europe 

客家人 Hakka come from 

中土 China   生生不息"   炎黃子 three 友 林炎 松 交
天竺 India 回紇 Arabic 法顯 jouney by the sea side. 玄奘 journey thru the desert 鄭和 navigation. The Babylonians could predict the motion of planets. The Chinese astronmers find the new star in A.D. 1054. Now this new star is called Crab supernova. Supernova is the result of stellar explosion. The remnant is called neutron star. 祖沖之 Chinese scientist 客家本色 Hakka enjoy live a life. 宋楚瑜引台灣經驗,包括引用台灣客家歌謠「客家本色」, 有六百師生現場聆聽, 客家老Peng 正 經度 English:  Longitude 維度 English:  Latitude 
南(south) 北(north) 東(east) 西(west)
Chinese code 中文教學
如字 ¦p ¦p
正文 工欲善其事 , 必先利其器 !
rtf winpad, abiword and copywriter
一起 巭
The two characters representation of the Chinese
言 ¨¥ big5 code ¨¥
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=big5">
    <title>  title  </title>
    text 1, 2 and 3 論語(
Put these four lines in text area 第一 懂道理 第二 了解 第三 知道 1. À´¹D²z 2. ¤F¸Ñ 3. ª¾¹D &#BD;×»O Trip and learn like Confucius! 道 理 &#xxx;¹D²z refer to this link for the Chinese 正 ¥¿ right, proper, correct

Try Information Resource Center (800) 955-4572 for English to Chinese translation. Provided by leukemia-lymphoma Association.
Need Good Language Professional Translator : Chinese, Spanish
多來米花手拉器多 Hope 信雅達
我的郵件 : 1550 (141) 連絡人寄來的新郵件: 1304 (13) 公元 2005 澱赻嘟跐,肯疚忺l岈 ... 方丈: 正文 工欲善其事, 必 多來米花手拉器多 百臨狗Bil... 原子 :atom, or electron... 物理 : 究竟太玄 化學 什麼... 墨子兼愛 : 石門水庫 :
October 17 , 2005.

Hakka Culture 客家人園地

Love Song 1 Work Song 1 Boat Song 1 Drink Song 1 Walk Song 1 New! New Year Song Guitar song Sun Song Winter Song Spring Song Hakka Song Book
| Hsin Chu Hakka Dancer Group: See Three Soldiers, Hakka Women Soidier

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Hakka Song Home | 客家人子女 Flower | Song: New Year | 中國字: gb2312 code | Song: New Year | Food Recipe : Gou Gee | 謎語? 猜!
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Last modified: Haker Peng, June 15, 2005 日期 : 2005年6月15日 3:16:11