Welcome To TxNetRuner's
Home On the Web

Welcome to my little corner of the web. I have just done some renovations to my home page.
To get to the other parts of my home page, just place your arrow on any of the windows or door and it will take you to different parts of my home page. We have a new addition to our family and her name is Wendy. I am hoping this week to have her page set up with pictures. To see our new addition, you will beable to click on the dog house and it will take you to her page.
To get back to the first page, you can either click on the back button of your browser or click on the arrow that says Home on the page.
I hope you find it easy to get around. If you have any problems getting around, please let me know and I will find a way to make it easier. Again, thanks for stopping by.

National Colorectal Cancer Alliance

"Kind of Hush"

Guestbook by Lpage

You are visitor since 26 May 98. I started my page on 27 Jan 97. Due to having a problem with my counter, I had to start all over again. I am still under construction, so please stop by again soon.

Please e mail me and let me know how I am doing on my page. You can either click on the image or name. © 1996 txnetruner

Send me a page on ICQ #797794 TXSister

Great Places to get graphics

I last updated some of my home page on Tuesday 26 May 98

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