Hi my name is Wendy and Welcome to my page !
I was born 19 Jan 1998.
I am part German Shepard and part Collie.
My human mom and dad got me from their nextdoor neighbors so I get to see my mom everyday!
My human mom had a contest to name me. She got with her nieces and nephews and son to come up with a name for me. The winner would win a certificate and a small cash prize. Once the names were entered my human mom and dad both had to agree on the name. One of her nephews won. She made a certificate, with my picture on it.

my first picture....

Guestbook by Lpage

You are visitor since 26 May 98. I started my page on 27 Jan 97. Due to having a problem with my counter, I had to start all over again. I am still under construction, so please stop by again soon.

Please e mail me and let me know how I am doing on my page. You can either click on the image or name. © 1996 txnetruner

Send me a page on ICQ #797794 TXSister

I last updated some of my home page on Monday 22 Feb 99

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