The Clash of Kings

The prominent religion amongst the Scots-Irish in the 17th Century was Prebyterianism. Its teachings were radical by the standards of the day and this placed it firmly outside the teachings of the established (Anglican) church.

Cromwell had barely tolerated them but when Charles II restored the monarchy in 1660 full-scale persecution began. The Presbyterian faith was outlawed and the practice of their services was reduced to open-air meetings at secret locations.

The situation of the Scots-Irish was further eroded with the accession of James II in 1685 and the gradual restoration to power of Roman-Catholics in Ireland. Protestants were replaced by Roman-Catholics in the judiciary and army as well as many other positions of public office. However help appeared to be at hand as James was deposed by William of Orange (William III) in 1688 and before long war raged in Ireland.

In probably the most prominent battle of the war, the city of Derry was sieged by the army of James II. It resulted in terrible hardship for those in the city and many stories abound from that time.

However the seige was broken after 3 months on 28 July 1689 and the beginning of the end was sounded for James II. A number of major battles followed between the opposing armies, the most significant of which was fought on the banks of the river Boyne and imortalised ever since in the Orange parades of July.

William III (Prince of Orange) surveys the battlefield at the Boyne.

Within 2 years James's armies would finally be defeated at Limerick. Many had seen the war as a religious one as is still the case today. However the mainly Presbyterian scots-irish would soon discover that William IIIs success would be a double-edged sword.

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