Angel's Or ...
by: Angel Friend Fred
Saturday Ramblins, Vol. 2, No. 5 (March 6, 1999)
It was a hot summer day in Massachusetts. I had come visit a close and dear friend, the pastor of the Catholic Church, St. Patrick's to be specific. You may have heard of that pastor, Jeddie Brooks, yes, the same Father Brooks that has the St. Peregrine Novena.
Sometimes many strange and unexplainable situations appear in our lives, that we have no control over. We are called to do some things that we may not understand. The messages we receive are delivered in many different ways. Maybe, just maybe, those "Messengers of God" AKA Angels are the ones making certain that the message has been delivered. What I am about to tell you is not about having a wild imagination, a touch of mental illness or a fantasy.
I had just been to Sunday Mass and was quite confused. While at Mass I was having some sense of a person with heavy problems, in need of what I did not know. This had happened to me before but, I disregarded it at that time. However, this time it wouldn't leave me and brought me to tears.
I then went to the rectory and Father Jeddie and I discussed what I was experiencing. He was on target. Father Jeddie told me, it appeared to him that I was being gifted to be an "Intercessor" and that I should pray for the soul I was having those strong feelings about but did not know.
I did try to do as was recommended. But, instead of those feelings going away they grew in numbers. I would find myself going to church and praying before the Blessed Sacrament for what and who I knew not.
As time went on I found myself having people come to me with their problems and what is strange is that my advice to them was beyond my skill and training but was on target. I continued to pray for those souls. I would soon find myself with another. I was not able to be at peace, unless I had done what I had been instructed to do.
On a couple of occasions I did find out who the person was that I had been praying for and the reasons they needed those interceding prayers. I had felt better in their company and they told of a situation that they had been able to correct or handle.
Prayer is a powerful tool. Some of us are called upon to pray for others. Praying also increases ones spirituality to unknown areas. One of those areas is what this is all about.
I was called to go to Canada to visit a friend that was quite ill in the hospital. When I arrived I was surprised to see how sick she was, as I had spoken with her just a few nights before. She was pleased to see me but it was clear that she was in physical pain and not doing very well.
I left the hospital and returned the next day. While visiting, the doctor came and informed her that in the morning they would do another CAT scan to make sure of the location and size of the perforation in her intestine. He described it as quite large and most likely she would have to be operated on to close the perforation, after the CAT scan. I decided to go downstairs and get a coffee. Going down the hallway to the elevator I said a prayer; I asked God to send her an Angel to guide her and to give her courage to face this ordeal. I went to the coffee shop, got my coffee and returned to the floor she was on.
As I approached the room, two very attractive people passed me and smiled at me. They were the most attractive man and woman I think I have ever seen. I had a very warm feeling pass through me. I turned to look at them walking down the corridor. But, they were not there. Where did they go?
I went into the room and my friend seemed to be much more comfortable. We talked and I asked if she would like for me to pray for her. She said, "yes, please do". I asked God again to send her an angel and to cure her if it be His will.
The next morning she went down to radiology for her catscan and was back in her room in no time worth mentioning. The doctor could not understand, in a day, the perfeoration was almost closed. No surgery was needed and she hasn't had that problem since.
I think I know what happened....are you thinking the same? Angel or ... ?
So as you can see, prayer leads to many uncharted trails. Make your Angel your companion.