Valdres Samband

The Oldest Bygdelag in America - 1899

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Special BUDSTIKKEN Pull-Out Section – May 1986

gaard's bestyrer = one who manages a farm
gaa till alters = go to communion
gammel = old
gestgiver = innkeeper
gift = married
graffestede = buried
gudmoder (gudmor) = godmother
guostieneste = divine service
gutt (dreng) = boy

Haandtering = occupation
haandværk (hàndverk) = trade
haug = hill
hellighet = holiness, sanctity
hente = to fetch
Herre = Lord
herred = district
hete (heter) = to be called
hjemme = at home
hjemmedaap = private christening
hovedsogn = headparish where parish minister resides
hovegaard = main farm
hud = hides - a medieval measure. One hide = 4 manadsmatbol
husbonde (ektemann) = husband
husmand = a cottager, a tenant farmer with life tenure
hustavlen = the part of the catechism on domestic duties
hustru = wife
hvad = what
hvem = who
hvem som her forrettet hjemmedaap og daapsvidnernes navn = name of person who performed the private christening, and names of the witnesses
hverve = to enlist
hvilket gifte: iste1 enet, o.s.v. = status of marriage
hvis noen av brudefolkene her vært gift før = information about previous marriage
hvor = where
hyrde = shepherd
høyde = height

ibidem (ebid. or ib.) = same as or same place
ihjel = to death
inderst (innerst) = farm laborer, tenant introductions (churchings, inngang) = after childbirth, the mother had to be received back in the church and a record was often kept of this
item (it) = likewise, further
jeg = I

jente = girl
jord = earth, soil
jordbruk = farming
jordløs = landless
Jul = Christmas
julebukk = clown, Christmas fools

kaldet = called
kar (karl) = man
katekismus = catechism
kaupland = bought land. It belongs to the individual. See also odel, markland and almenniger
kidre provst = dear minister
kirkebøker = church registers, records kept by parish clergymen
kirkegaard = churchyard
kiste = trunk
kjær = dear
kjierlighet = love
klokker = sexton, an assistant in church services, a song leader
kempani = company
konfirmasjonsdato naar og hvor = confirmation - when and where
kone = wife
korn = grain
korporal = corporal
kreaturvei = cow path
krig = war
kristendom = Christianity
kristensjæl = Christian soul
Kristus = Christ kronarbeider = laborer on gov't property
kundskap = knowledge
kusine = female cousin. See fetter, søskenbarn, tremenning, slektning
kveldmat = supper
kvern = mill
kvinde = woman
kvindeforening = Ladies Aid
kvindekøn = females
kvindemenneske = woman

lærer = teacher
lag = society
landmaaling = surveying
landsby = village
langmodighet = long suffering
laugværge = guardian
laupsbol = see 'manadsmatbol'
legitimasjon for giftetillatelsen = legitimation and permission for marriage
leiefolk = hired help
leikone = hired woman
leilighet = something one rents or leases
lensmand = constable or sheriff
lensmandsdreng = son of a parish constable
levebrød = livelihood
ligel = ditto
ligeledes = also
lille = little
liten (plural-smaa) = little
lovlig = lawful, legal
lovlig arveskifte foretagen = legal inheritance distribution
lysningsdagen eller assframt lysning ikke har funnetsted, eller hvilken bevilgning = date of publishment of banns (marriage) or if not published, what type of license
løitnant = lieutenant
lørdag = Saturday

Mademois(elle) = Miss
mænd (menn) = men
makkverk = botch, mess poor job
manadsmatbol = medieval land term. Amount of land required to feed 1 man 1 month. See laupsbol and hud. Manadsmatbol of food for 1 month might be reckoned 36 merker smør (butter) and 72-96 merker mjøl (meal). One manadsmatbol jord (land) equalled 6 syr (cows) pieces of iron or 18 sald korn (grain) or about 18 stykke kelde (cloth)

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Last updated: July 25, 2001.