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Special BUDSTIKKEN Pull-Out Section May 1986
mand = man or sometimes husband mandag = Monday
mannkjøn = sales
manntall = census before national census, (most popular 1664-1666)
mark (markland) = unenclosed land. Wherever the farm consisted of several holdings, all
the owners were joint owners. See also odel, kaupland and almenniger
markarbeide = field work
marksbol = medieval land value. One marksbol equalled 3 øresbol.
Marts (Mars) = March
mat = food
matrikier = real estate books
med = with
medbragte attest = brought certificate
medhjælper med avlingen = help farm
meget godt = very good (on confirmation records)
mel = meal, flour
menig = private (rank of soldier)
menighet = church congregation
menighetpleie = congregation charity
menneske = man (in general)
menneskelig = human middag = dinner
mor (moder) = mother
morbor = mother1s brother (uncle)
morfar = mothers father
morgen = morning
mormor = mother's mother
moster = mother's sister
myndig = of age
møte = met
màne = moon
màned = month
nabobygd = neighborhood
næringsvej = occupation
næste = next
National soldat = national soldier
navn = name
nemlig = namely
nevø = nephew
niece = niece
niende = ninth
nock = also
nummer = number
nummer i fødselsregistret = birth registry number
nuhavende = present
nuværende = present
nyder indlæg = on welfare
nye løbe N(umr) = new successive number
odel = allodial land, consisting of a cornfield and meadow around dwelling. Inherited
land. If owner wanted to sell, nearest of kin have right of preemption. If land sold
outside of family, allodial heirs have right to repurchase it.
odelssaker = referring to allodial property rights
offentlig = public
okse = ox
onkel = uncle
onsdag = Wednesday
oporager = educator, one who brings one up
opgjør = settlement (of affairs)
oppholdsted = place of residence
opplysninger om vaksinasjon og konfirmasjon og vilket kikesamfund de tilhører = info on
vaccination and confirmation and name of religious community
organisere = organize
o.s.v. (osv or saa videre) = and so forth
pagt = covenant
personer = persons
pige (pike) = girl or maid
Pinse = Pentecost
plads = place, part of a farm
pleiebarn = fosterchild
prædike = to preach
præke = to preach
prækestol = pulpit
prest (præst) = minister
prestegjeld = clerical district, a prestegjeld consists of one or more sogns
Påske = Easter
qv = wife qvinde = woman (wife)
qvinde = females
qvindekiøn = females
register = register
rig (rik) = wealthy
rok = spinning wheel
salig = late (deceased)
salmebok = hymn book
samfund = community
samme = the same
sammen = together
seiskap = company, party
sin = his or hers
sjæl = soul
sjette = sixth
sjømand = seaman, sailor
skatte = tax
skifte = probate
skifteprotokoller = probate registers; these show the registration, valuation, and
division of real estate and property of all kinds left by deceased persons and give the
names of heirs and guardians and much other family information
skifteretten = probate court
skinn = medieval land measure
skjegg = beard
skjøteprotokill = register of estates and titles
skolemester = school master
skrædder (skredder) = tailor
slegt = family, generation
slegtning = relatives
slektning = relative
smed = blacksmith
sogn = parish
sogneprest = parish minister
soldat = soldier
som = who, which
spedbarn = infant
spørsmaal = question
stadfestelse av hjemmedaap = confirmation of private christening
statsarkiv = archive repository
steffsøn = stepson
stok = cane
stol = chair
stor = large, great
studere = to study
stykke = medieval land measure. Equal approx. to one alen.
sur = sour
svare = to answer
svigermor = mother-in-law
svigersøn = son-in-law
synd = sin
syvende (sjuende) = seventh
sæeter (seter) = grazing plain up in the mountains, a summer pasture
søn = son
søndag = Sunday
søskenbarn = cousin, first cousin
søster = sister
tante = aunt
temmelig = quite, tolerable (used on confirmation records)
temmelig godt = fairly good
terskel = threshold
testament = testament, will
testeres = witnessed
tiende = tenth
tiennere = servants
tilbud = offer
tilgaards = to the farm
tilgivelse = forgiveness
tingbøker = court records
tirsdag = Tuesday
titel (tittel) = title
tjene = serve
tjeneste = service
tjenestefolk = servants
tjenestekarl = male servant
tjenestepike = female servant, maid
torsdag = Thursday
tredje = third
tremenning = second cousin
trolovet = betrothed
tvilling = twin
tyngsel = burden
tàlle (tælle) = count
tømmer = timber
udi (fra) = from, in
uekte (uægte) = illegitimate
uge (uke) = week
ugift (ugivt) = unmarried
umyndige = not of age
under hvilket datum er ekteskapet stiftet = date of marriage
ung = young
ungdom = youth, young people
unge = child, youngster
ungkarl (ungkar) = bachelor
utlandet = foreign country, abroad
uægte (uekte) = illegitimate'