Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,
Now we all know who you are!

Introducing Gao Qing Wei!
(American name still to be determined!)

Here she is!

My hopes for Wei...

The Stats

Born: May 20, 1999
Resides at:
Gaoyou City,
Jiangsu Province,
Peoples Republic of China

As of February 29, 2000:
Height:  26 inches
Weight:  20.9 pounds

"Length of Foot":  4.5 inches
(REALLY?  Wow!)

I have waited a long time for this little one.  I hope she grows to feel safe, secure, and happy for the rest of her life. And I hope we have fun, too!

My  feelings about Wei...

The attachment that occurred when I saw her photo is truly an amazing phenomena.  I'd heard about it but wondered if it would be as people have described, but it's true -- right away, and as the past week has gone by she has felt more and more "mine". 
That first photo off the fax machine on February 23 was funny -- she looked like a little chipmunk and it made me laugh, but I thought she was cute! 

Then, when the color photos arrived the next morning I fell for her and  I've been in love ever since.  Besides, it appears she needs a mom to wipe her little chin!

Name means:  Rose

A specific type of beautiful Chinese hardy, tenacious, climbing red rose.

We don't know yet when we'll travel, probably the end of April.... so estimating "Gotcha Day" wil be May 1 it is.....(drumroll)....