UK Flag Pregnancy and Parenting Issues


This web site is all about being a mum, from the moment of first conception upto toddlerhood.

There's lots of infomation about all sorts relating to pregnancy and parenting.
It's based on my own experiences and ideas, backed up by some personal research into areas which I feel strongly about.
It's not a definitive guide, but I hope it may provide you with some tips and ideas on child-centered parenting.

The site is based around my diary and is all about my recent pregnancy and my children Matthew and Amber . There are also links from within the diary to additional information pages.

I am now on a UK based computer, Please visit my new site:

Matthew and Amber (link to Matthew's page)

I hope you enjoy it, and come back soon to see what's new. Please remember to rate my page using the geoguide at the top so I can be listed higher in the avenues.... and fill in my guest book so I know who's been here! Plus I'll take a look at your site if you leave the URL.

Bye for now!

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Links to other personal parenting sites on the internet

The Challenge of Parenting This site is a really good insight into child development and behaviour, it gives some excellent tips on discipline. It is written by the mother of a child with ADD, but is equally well infomed on all types of children

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