Matthew's Operation, September 1998
The operation was done as a day case, and we were given a bed in the play room, on the childrens ward at the eye hospital.
We arrived at 7:45am and were seen by the Staff Nurse initially, who took his history and applied "magic cream" to his hands
and insides of his elbows. Matthew was really good about having the cream applied but didn't like the sticky tape that they
use to hold it in place. He soon forgot though and was allowed to play. The doctor who was performing the operation came to
see him about 8:30am, and assesed Matthew - he also explaned the procedure and got me to sign a consent form. The
anethetist then arrived about 9am to check Matthew's cold and agreed to go ahead. 15 mins later Matthew was walking down
into the operating theatre. He seemed quite excited, we had tried to make it an "adventure" for him. I put him on the table
and they began to set him up! I think they could have been more gentle with him ... and taken a few moment to explane to
him what was happening in order to reassure him - but I guess for them it was just routine. He didn't like the gas mask,
but I stayed with him, stroking his hair until he was asleep.
The operation took about 25 mins in total, before I was allowd to go and give him a cuddle in recovery. He was crying lots
but stopped as soon as I arrived and clung onto me for dear life. Apparently they has syringed his tear duct, and the lower
right one was quite severely blocked, it may take a few weeks to settle down before we see any improvement. It may also
need further treatment. Back on the ward Matthew was given a drink and then after half an hour he was allowed some toast.
After this he was fine and played and played with all the lovey new toys he had found! He ate a full lunch and was allowed
home at 2:30pm, after having a wet nappy. We were given some paracetamol and precautionary antebiotics for him to take, but
otherwise the only thing we had to do for him was keep a watch over him for 24 hours.
I was very supprised that Matthew didn't seem at all sleepy after the anethetic, and he was ready for very physical play
almost immediately! Apparently this is as normal as is having a sleepy child, it just varies according to the child.
Matthew finally fell asleep at about 2pm and slept for 2 hours but was full of beans when he woke, and seemed almost high
for the rest of the day. He did go to bed early though, falling asleep half way through dinner.
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