UK FLAG September 1998.

Suddenly I seem pregnant. The bump is showing very much now, but still has lots of growing to do! The baby is very active, although he seems less boistrous than Matthew and has more of a routine pattern - or perhaps that is me! I am feeling very well in myself still, except for two eposides of oedema after doing some strenuous exercise. I find that, once I realise I have overdone it, if I stil down for a hour or so then my body settles back down and I am fine again. I can hardly believe that I am six months pregnant and only have three more months to go ... things seem to be happening quite quickly now.

Matthew seems to insist on using me as a climbing frame and ends up being very rough at times. I am amazed at my difference in attitude with this pregnancy, I was very worried about my body's ability to protect the baby last time, but I no longer have a choice and realise that Matthew's kicks and falls are not doing the baby any harm. I suppose this means that the new baby will already be familiar with his big brother when he is born!

I picked up Matthew's cold and felt awful. I spent a couple of days struggling on and ended up being sick again, so I decided - reluctantly - to take a day off work. I felt stupid being off work with only a cold, but I am now feeling so much better so I know it was the right thing. After all the baby has to be the most important thing at present. My appointments with my midwife have stepped up to fortnightly now. The check up's are not really very exciting, but I know how important they are, and I do find them reasuring when I heard the babys hearbeat, and the midwife says all is well. I am a little dissapointed though because I have found out my midwife is pregnant!...and going to be on maternity leave when my baby is born!


left arrow My Pregnancy, August 1998 down arrow right arrowMy Pregnancy, October 1998
Matthew, September 1998