UK Flag Why Breastfeed?


There are lots of answers to this question: and your answers may be different to mine. For me, I breastfed because I wanted to have that special bond with my baby, I breastfed because I believed it was the best for Matthew, and I breastfed because I felt it was the most natural thing to do.

My story is not one of finding it easy to breastfeed - you can follow some of the problems I had in my diary - but I still feel the same today: I'm glad I perseveered, and I wouldn't change a thing. I will certainly be breastfeeding my next baby, even if it means going through the same problems again, but I'm sure it will be easier now I know what I'm doing!

The key to sucessful breastfeeding is information and support. Every one of us will have doubts at some time, because as a society we expect to be in control, and when you breastfeed nature takes control. It is also still unusual to breastfeed, and no matter how confident you are, someone out there is going to question your decision. If you are well informed you will be able to alay your doubts and answer those questions, and if you are supported you will be able to discuss your doubts with people who back you up when you face opposition.

I am hoping to cover some of the most important aspects of breastfeeding through this page, in order that anyone who wants to can succeed.


Benefits of breastfeeding


Breastfeeding is nature's choice for babies and we have been provided with some strong arguments to prove this.

Some technical details!


If you know how it works, perhaps it will be easier to overcome any problems you have.

Where can you feed?


Breastfeeding in public - how do you feel about it? Also some good positions for feding your baby anywhere.

Help and support


It is worth seeking help, even if everything works out well because you will find like minded friends. If things don't go as well as you hoped then support can make all the difference - you can suceed!

Milk supply ISN'T a problem.


Everyone produces enough milk to feed their baby, here's how. If I can do it anyone can!

Expressing milk.


When you return to work... or even if you just leave your baby with dad ocassionally... being able to express milk means you can continue to breastfeed into toddlerhood (and beyond).


Information is available everywhere try magasines, your midwife or health visitor... or feel free to e-mail me:


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Read my diary: Matthew March 97 ... to ... March 98
Amber Decenber 98 .....


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