In Loving Memory...

"SaDo's Frodo Baggins"


October 23, 1988-October 25, 1996

You could not have been loved more. You were a part of our family, our third child. We miss you terribly, and I wish somehow we could have foreseen your condition and either prevented it or gotten earlier treatment. We will never forget your loyal love. You were loved intensely in life and now missed immensely in death. You are gone from earth, but will never be forgotten. Until we meet again! Love always from your human Mommy Carol, Daddy Jim, Brother Jason, and Sister Michaiah!

Frodo's Story

About one year before he died Frodo experienced a change in appetite. He had always been a very good eater. He was very solid and muscular. We contributed the change to becoming spoiled by my husband who liked to give him "treats" from his plate as we ate. Frodo went from refusing his regular dog food, but eating canned food, to refusing all dog food completely within about a ten month period. He would still eat dog biscuits. He went from 55 lbs. to 43 lbs. losing muscle along with fat. I had blood work done when he first started getting picky about eating (looking for any signs of kidney problems). All of his blood work was normal. We returned to the vet for a recheck of his blood work in August of '96, when he started refusing all dog food and losing weight. Again all of the tests were normal. The vet contributed his condition to becoming a finicky eater and could find no health problems. I started feeding Frodo dog biscuits, along with some potatoes, meat, and cheese, just to get him to eat. His weight went back up to 50 lbs. and he looked much better. About two months later, he started refusing the cheese, potatoes, and dog biscuits most of the time, only wanting the meat (and even refusing some meats). And he just did not act as if he felt the best. He also started vomiting up his food, undigested, about 3-5 hours after eating. His weight dropped quickly from 50 to 38 lbs. Again the vet did blood work and this time x-raying his abdomen. Again nothing was found, so we took him to Med- Vet, a clinic with specialists in Columbus. They found he had lost some red blood cells, so they gave him a transfusion and after the ultra-sounds showed nothing abnormal, they went into his stomach and small intestine with an endoscope to try and locate his problem. The found an ulcerated area inside the duodenum. They put him on steroids, antibiotics, and antacids, and sent him home after three days of hospitalization. He was acting strange at 4:00 am the next morning, with labored breathing and staggered gait. I immediately called the emergency service but before they could get back to me, Frodo died. An autopsy revealed that the ulcer had perforated, allowing bacteria and fluids to escape in to the abdominal cavity. The cause of death was septic shock. The pathologist could find no definitive cause for the ulcer. They said it could have come from ingesting a foreign object (such as a piece of a stick, bone, or even nyla-bone) which caused an abrasive irritation resulting in an ulcer. All tests for amyloidosis came back negative.

Frodo's Pedigree:

                                                           CSPCA CH Brush Creek Acapella Chang 
                       CSPCA CH Alpha Ro-Geans JD Hogg
                                                           Ro-Geans Suzie-Q

Schmidt's Snuffelopigus

                                                           Moshu's Ling X Oriental Guy
                       Bruce Lee's Kao Yang V Dyna
                                                           Bruce lee's Ko-Ko of TNT

                                                           Shir Du Ling Fu
                       CSPCA CH Shir Du Bang
                                                           Shir Du Yen Se

Schmidt's My Fair Peaches

                                                           CSPCA CH Brush Creek Acapella Chang
                        A-capella Cinderella
                                                           Leach's Acapella Mingsong

Odie, you are my Heart, my Soul, my Love, my Life. I am lost without you.

I Love and miss you terribly, Mommy

Mintcreek Od'd on Perfection "Odie"

July 14, 1991 - September 27, 2003


I buried your body that day

But your spirit didn't go.

It stayed behind to be with me,

Because I loved you so!

Your body was old and failing,

So you had to set it free.

But death could not break our bond,

So you stayed here with me.

Others now say you're gone

But I know it isn't so.

We'll never, ever be apart,

Because I loved you so!

I feel your presence every day,

Just like it used to be.

You'll never go, because I loved you so,

You stayed behind with me!

I love you, Mommy Carol

October 15, 2003

Also in Very Loving Memory.....

CSPCA CH. Chi-Ling Luzianne Tea

July 6, 1989-June18, 1995

CSPCA/AKC CH. JJ Sterling's Wrink Rnd Rosy

June 27, 1990-July 10, 1997

Mintcreek DestinedTo BeGrand

October 3, 1995 - October 17, 1997

Mintcreek Buckaroo Sluggo

June 14, 1993 - January 7, 2000

Shumba's Buckeye

May 19, 1994 - December 14, 2003

Mntcrk InkyWrinkyShrinkyDink

November 20, 1996 - February 2, 2000

Mintcreek Mai-Zee

November 4, 1994 - November 13, 2000

Mintcreek Odette of SwanLake


June 23, 1993-February 23, 2003

Loved so very much and missed even so much more.

Mintcreek Milo The Magnificent

November 23, 1997 - October 25, 1998

Milo, I Love You, Mommy

I had a talk with God today,

He said my pain would go away.

He told me that you were there,

Happily playing in His care.

I said to Him, "I want to come too!"

But He said to me, "Your work's not through."

You told Him to tell me, "Please don't cry,"

"The time will soon pass swiftly by."

So, someday I'll join you, in Heaven above,

Meanwhile, I cry softly and send all my Love.

Milo, I Love and Miss you,


October 31, 1998

I had a talk with God today,

It's been four weeks since you went away.

My pain's still there, it is very real,

There's not been time for my heart to heal.

I miss you more and more each day,

I miss the way you used to play.

I know you're happy, there is no pain there,

You are safe and loved in His tender care.

I took a cake and candle to your grave today,

You would have been one year old, it's your Birthday.

"Happy Birthday" Milo

I Love and Miss you,


November 23, 1998

It's been a year since you've been gone,

Time passed swiftly bye.

There's not a day I don't miss you still,

There's not a day I don't cry.

You were my special little Pei baby,

I loved you more than I can say.

I only hope I can join you again,

And be with you in Heaven someday.

Milo, I Love and Miss you,


October 28, 1999

CSPCA Charitable Trust

This is dedicated in loving memory to SaDo's Frodo Baggins (CSPCA 16 CH pts), and all of the other wonderful Shar-Pei that were a loving part of our lives since 1988: CSPCA CH. Chi-Ling Luzianne Tea (AKC double major pointed, 10 pts.)(Congo Red Positive), her puppy son, Mintcreek Sends Sparks Flying "Sparky" & daughters Mintcreek Razzle Dazzle "Razzie" & Mintcreek Claira LaBelle, CSPCA/AKC Ch. JJ Sterling's Wrink Rnd Rosy, and to puppy Tiny Tim, puppy Violet, puppy Alpha Mintcreek Pudgy Bear, Dechine's Simply Smeagle & her puppy Mintcreek Uggy Mutt, Sado's Mon Key of Mintcreek, Mintcreek Sundance Kid (Congo Red Positive), Mintcreek Peppermint Patty (Congo Red Positive), China Farm's Chubby Chunkers (Congo Red Positive), Mintcreek Wrinkle B "Bunny", Mintcreek Tequila Sunrise "Tiki", puppy Sally, Mintcreek Gossamer Ghost, Mintcreek DestinedTo BeGrand "Destiny" (Congo Red Positive), SaDo's Little Pumkin Seed "Sadie", Sado Cupi Doll, Mintcreek White as Snowflake, Mintcreek Pippi Shortstocking (Congo Red Positive), Mintcreek Buckaroo Sluggo, Mintcreek WrinkyInkyShrinkyDink, Supra's Ghostrider of Mintcreek (Congo Red Positive), Mintcreek M&M "Emma", Mintcreek Rambunctous Red "Rambo", Mintcreek Creme D'Minte Sado, Mintcreek Zippy the Bludog, Mintcreek Mai-Zee, Mintcreek Shadow (Congo Red Positive), Mintcreek Tesserset, Mintcreek Lavender Blue "Dilly", Mintcreek Bloo's Magoo (Congo Red Positive), Mintcreek Keebler Kracker, Mintcreek MishaKabulaBipitBopityBlu, R-Lee Kabluey Bang, Cary Mintcreek Plain Brown Yapper (Congo Red Positive), Maplewood Mntcrk Bullwrinkle "Bully", puppy Squeaker, Mintcreek Butterfly Kisses "Pooka", Mintcreek Odette of Swanlake "Annie", Mintcreek Milo the Magnificent, Shumba's Buckeye (Congo Red Positive), Mintcreek Rolly Polly, Mintcreek Stars & Stripes, Mintcreek Bingo ishis Name-O "Bingo", Newsen Zoey, Mntcrk Ihurditthruthegraypeivine "Graypei", Mintcreek Charlie Channie "Channie", Alpha Mntcrk Magila Gogorila "Maggie", Mintcreek Bunny's 'Lil MessyBessy, Jewell Mntcrk BeBoppinBlues "Binky", Mintcreek Found a Peanut-Not Rot'n "Peanut", Mintcreek Choco Latte Dah "Lottie", Cary's Blue Bonnet O Mintcreek "Bonnet", Mintcreek Curly Joe, Mintcreek Ballyhoo, Mplwd Mntcrk Maizee'swhtlegacy "Lacy", Mintcreek Millicent the Magnificent "Millie", Maplewood Waltzing Matilda of Mintcreek "Mattie", Mintcreek Little Black Bullet "BB", Mintcreek Sir Winston "Winston" & Mintcreek Od'd on Perfection "Odie", and to any other puppies or dogs that have been loved and lost over the past 20 yrs. Each is very fondly remembered and missed immensely, no matter how long or short of time we had with them, they will always have a very, very special place in my heart.

As I hold her head and softly stroke her, she wags her tail in recognition and love, letting me know that she is calmed by my caresses. I know her time with me is growing shorter, and I sob at the thought of her leaving me. I pray that it will be quick and painless. As she grows weaker and colder and begins to slip away, I can feel her say to me.... "Please don't cry Mommy, I will be waiting for you. I see a light and I am starting to feel warm all over. I can feel HIS love envelop me, he is calling me, Mommy, I have to leave now. Please don't cry Mommy, I will be happy and I won't be sick any longer. HE is waiting for me and calling for me to come to HIM now. I will love you always Mommy, GOODBYE, Goodbye, goodbye....." And she wags her tail for one last time and she is gone. Goodbye my sweet Dolly, I will miss you, and I too will love you always. I will look to the day when we can be together again. (Autopsy results revealed Dolly to be free of Amyloid in her tissues. She succumbed to a rarer strain of Leptospirosis that was not covered in the current vaccines at that time.)

CSPCA Charitable Trust

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