Olgy was born sometime around June 25, 1995. She came to live with us in September of 1995 at about three months old. She was very healthy, and has remained so, except for the occasional bout of snuffles. Calm and placid, she's very easy to get along with. There is one thing she does which is rather odd. Sometimes she gets into a "kissy" mood, and starts lipping whomever happens to be within reach on the face. Her favorite foods are celery and lettuce, but she likes almost any green vegetable. She's rather too chubby, but still reasonably agile--that is, for a normal GP. Not like Ratsrpeople2's crazy guinea-rat! (See the link on my main page.)
Cinnamon was born on October 4th, 1996. She is rather funny-looking, with wild red hair that sticks out in all directions, huge, chocolate brown eyes, and a white mustache. She is sweet and loving, except when she's hungry, and has an incredibly loud, shrill voice. She likes apples, cilantro, lettuce, and stale marshmallow chicks. She doesn't like rats, guinea- or otherwise, so they stay away from her.
I got Drifty last August when my sister went to the pet store to get a new rat. He was in a bin on the floor with a lot of other guineas, and I just couldn't resist. He's an adorable little ball of dark brown fur streaked with silver, like weathered wood--hence the name. He's grown quite a bit since then, and gotten amazingly hyper. He constantly bumps around his cage like a rabbit, unless he has his spoon (Yes, spoon. We gave it to him because he wanted something to chew on, and when he wants something, he sets up a huge fuss until he gets it. Just like Cinnamon.) in his mouth and is banging it against his food dish.