Hello And Welcome to my Archived Guestbook 5!

Marc and Ann - 12/07/00 22:45:08
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/ourangelspage/index.html
My Email:TheMcCartys5@gateway.net

Just stopping to visit your Holidays Pages! We had a wonderful visit! Happy Holidays from our family to yours! :-)

Our Angel's Page!

Our Angel's Page!

Dale - 12/03/00 02:19:51
My Email:Dwideman@aol.com

Mother's Day is special to Kay and I too. Our second born came to us on Mother's Day. We named her Brenda. Dale

Dale - 12/03/00 02:15:39
My Email:Dwideman@aol.com

Marilyn, I visited your site again on 12/2/00 and enjoyed the improvements. I continue to be impressed with your work and hope you continue your progess with your site. You are to be commented! You do wonderful work! Dale

Dave Hardt - 12/01/00 23:11:08
My Email:bigdave616@aol.com

Do you have a list of hostas that you grow?

Jennifer - 11/24/00 18:55:19
My URL:http://members.spree.com/funNgames/kindred_spirits/
My Email:kindreds@crosswinds.net


You are cordially invited to join Kindred Spirits!
Kindred Spirits is a new group devoted to women ... where all women are welcome ... and a great place to make new friends. Our members get involved in special committees to show off their talents and just have fun.
We hope you'll consider joining our group!

Terry - 11/18/00 17:01:30
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~tlcard/index.html

Very nice!

Richard - 11/14/00 01:22:48
My Email:siffordr@aol.com

We have chated alot. You are a very nice person and I count you as a friend. TEXASREDNECK43

Susan - 10/29/00 18:09:39
My URL:http://www.zaradite.cjb.net

. . . . Number one site in the world. ;-) Keep it that way! . . . .

Annie - 10/19/00 02:05:46
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/Heartland/Forest/6923
My Email:jarobin@bellsouth.net

Hi Marlyin, Dropped in for a visit and had a great time! I adore your garden pictures! Have a great week!

Shell - 10/07/00 19:21:56
My URL:http://www.theanimalspirit.com

Just dropping by from MHPC to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!

Lauren and Greg(MHPC) - 10/07/00 16:55:24
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/gidgett1476
My Email:ldvandy@myfamily.com

Just dropping in to wish you a fantastic birthday!

Happy Birthday to You!

Do come visit!

Bettye - 09/28/00 16:16:38
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/bettyee11/index.html
My Email:bettyew2@excite.com

Your have a great site and our appletts are beautiful. I enjoyed visiting and will be back.

Evelyn F. Stewart - 09/21/00 18:18:54
My URL:http://EFstew.tripod.com/
My Email:EFstew1227@aol.com

I surfed on in here to thank you for your visit on my website and being gracious enough to sign my guest book. I feel very honored to return the favor. I liked your comment. You are right there are very much mental & verbal, emotional abuse then comes he Psysical abuse. Did you read Rachel's Story? Or did the read the chapter from my book. If Not and you are interest. The link is on my main page under "About Me" Now that I am signed it, I will surf your corner of the net. Hope to return soon.

Angel Spice - 09/19/00 11:07:30
My URL:http://welcome.to/DivineAngels
My Email:thedivineangels@hotmail.com


You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels internet group. The Divine Angels is an internet group devoted to women. A place where members can find others that share their same problems, stories, and lives. Where we join together to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And of course you are welcome to join our webring if you like. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

Mike Vicki Gillette - 09/18/00 21:21:42
My URL:http://http://geocities.datacellar.net/mikevickig
My Email:mikevick@swbell.net

I enjoyed your page. Thank you for sharing it Check out our page sometime !!

gerald - 08/26/00 11:19:18
My URL:http://www.ylands.com/gweinberger22

liebe Grüße und schaut mal bei uns vorbei.....www.ylands.com/gweinberger22

Ed - 08/26/00 04:53:12
My Email:cliffe2@aol.com

Very nice, love the centerfolds

Pattie - 08/16/00 14:00:28
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/pball063
My Email:pball@nycap.rr.com

Hi Marilyn! I stopped by to look at your hostas and stayed awhile to look at everything else. Your site and gardens are very beautiful!

John Lyon - 08/15/00 20:48:48
My URL:http://www.connect.ab.ca/~mrjohn
My Email:mrjohn@connect.ab.ca


Hello again Marylyn, It has been a while since my last visit.You have made a few changes and things look really good. Best wishes. John.

John Hewlett - 08/10/00 03:10:00
My Email:Johncamera@aol.com

Dear Marilyn, Your site is beautiful, very interesting and well done. Thank you, John

Guypal - 07/23/00 16:41:56
My Email:eppie

Always amazed in what you have to show. A person could spend an afternoon here.

Janine Daniel - 07/18/00 18:04:04
My URL:http://www.spinnys.com
My Email:spinnys@hotmail.com

Hello Marilyn, I've just been looking at your winter pages. I think the photos you have shown us are excellent. I love all the different applets and their effects. You've got a beautiful garden and yes, I found peace while strolling around looking at ever thing. Thanks for sharing it with me.... *S*

chuck4u - 07/18/00 00:02:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/flame/index.html
My Email:country650@mailcity.com

I really enjoyed my visit here. keep up the good work...if you have time come by and check out my garden and ham radios.

Nickie - 07/09/00 10:24:50
My Email:nickie1972@yahoo.com

Lovely site. I've enjoyed my visit here very much. Thank you for building such a wonderful site. Keep up the good work! Have a great day! Nickie

Stephanie - 07/06/00 18:06:12
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/douglass_22193/
My Email:Troubleina@Home.com

Just surfing, and stumbled in.....very nice page! I enjoyed my visit, feel free to stop by our page :)

Ruthie - 07/01/00 16:05:22
My Email:iamupie@aol.com

What a wonderful place to visit, Lara, I just love it.....you've done good! Just wanted you to know that. Ruthie

Merely - 06/21/00 03:56:31
My URL:http://geocities.datacellar.net/merely_g
My Email:petname@{NO-SPAM}netscape.net

I am a big fan of java applets and you have some nice ones. And a great page overall!! I am so glad I surfed in!:o)

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