Painter's Workshop

My GIF'S Collection

Painter's Wav's

LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

Well Folks! Here it is. This is just the start of my home page..Let me give you a BRIEF tour. This page will be devoted to those of you that are looking for HTML things. I already have a link on here that will take you to a cool place for you to download a nifty program that allows HTML on chat rooms. I will also be updating this page to include links to chat rooms that allow HTML. I also plan on building a page that will be devoted to my GIF'S collection, and another that will center mainly around different FONT styles. I hope that you will find what you are looking for (once I finish my pages) but for now, this place is still under construction. Thanks for the visist, and if you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to e-mail me and let me know. OR if you prefer, SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! (I would appreciate it very much!)

Mixing My Paints

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Painter's Wav's

Links to other sites on the Web

HTMLCHAT. This is a program that will install HTML onto your chat rooms.

Q5. A very user friendly chat room where you can use HTML-CHAT

HOTBOT. A real good search engine

CJWalmers Import Express. A new site where you can buy cool stuff

SHAMROCK'S Home Page. Christian news

POPBOY'S Home Page. Catalog Sales and things

STARBIRDS Home Page. Things, for now


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