To Everyone On The WWW
(And All Those other People Too)

Christmas for me will take three forms. The first will be
a Christmas Party at the meeting hall of my Local
on December 19. There I'll be able to bring my
to meet and receive gifts from Santa
Clause in a room decorated like a
Winter Wonderland.

The second will be on Christmas Day at the home of my
youngest daughter Lisa. There I'll be able to spend the
day with almost all of my
children and Grandchildren,
exchange gifts and enjoy Christmas Dinner

My Daughter Chris and her family who lives in Virginia
will be coming up north for the
week after Christmas.
Then, the season will be complete!!!


I have four Christmas Pages
You're at my "Start Page"
There are three others


Let Us Not Forget

This page is a reminder of what we're actually celebrating on this day and a little "get it off my chest" gripe I have about the Christmas Season

The Last Christmas Tree

This page has a Christmas story of an experience that actually happened to me and my sister many years ago.

The Three Trees

This is a story of three trees in the forest pondering their future.